
Thousands of Women Lead Protests on Mahila Kisan Divas

THERE was massive and enthusiastic participation of thousands of women all across the country on Mahila Kisan Divas on January 18. Six national women’s organisations – All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW), All India Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA), Pragatisheel Mahila Sangathan (PMS), All India Agragami Mahila Samiti (AIAMS) and All India Mahila Sanskritik Sangathan (AIMSS) had decided to hold joint protests on January 18 to express solidarity with the farmers’ struggle.

AP: Adani Management Victimises Krishnapatnam Port Workers

THE Krishnapatnam Port Company Limited (KPCL) management has been found to be violating labour laws. This is the second biggest industry in AP after the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. CITU affiliated union had raised voice against this and made a complaint to the labour department. On December 31, 2020, in a joint meeting on our union’s complaint, the principal secretary of labour department of AP, Udaya Lakshmi noted that it is shameful for the state of Andhra Pradesh that labour laws are not implemented in Krishnapatnam Port (KPCL).

UP: Delegation of Anganwadi Visit Badaun and Met the Victims Family

JANUARY 8, a delegation of the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers(AIFAWH) -CITU,  met the family of the anganwadi helper who was gang-raped and murdered in a temple in Badaun, UP. The delegation comprised A R Sindhu, president and Usharani, general secretary of AIFAWH, along with UP anganwadi union president, Veena Gupta, general secretary, Chaman Ara and Niger Parveen, an advocate and activist of CITU.The delegation met the family members of the anganwadi helper who was brutally gang-raped and murdered in a temple in Badaun district of UP and expressed condolences.

Supreme Court stays Farm Laws, but Appoints Committee of Govt Men

THE Supreme Court of India (SC), after hearing a clutch of petitions on the farmers’ struggle, but completely ignoring the ones that challenged the very constitutionality of the three Farm Laws criticized the central government for its handling of the farmers' struggle on January 11 and suspended the implementation of the Farm Laws ‘until further notice’ on January 12.

50 Years of Study, Struggle & Sacrifice

SFI COMPLETED its 50 years of study, struggle and sacrifice on December 30, 2020. The celebration of golden jubilee started in 2019 with a rally and public meeting in Dumdum, followed by the 49th foundation day celebration at Malappuram, Kerala. Since then, various activities were taken up remembering the glorious legacy of one of the largest students’ organisation in India. But the unprecedented pandemic situation forced in changing many of the scheduled programmes. Instead of following the usual calendar, SFI comrades had to take charge of providing the basic minimum to the needy.

Electricity (Amendment) Bill will be Detrimental to the Farmers: NCCOEEE

NATIONAL Co-ordination Committee of Electricity Employees & Engineers (NCCOEEE)-a broad-based united platform of all the National Federations of Electricity Employees and Engineers in a press communique issued on December 31, 2020, stated that the Electricity(Amendment) Bill 2020 will be disastrous to the farmer community.The NCCOEEE also thanked the united forum of struggling peasants, who successfully drew the attention of the people of India to the menacingly drafted Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020 in addition to the three Agri- laws.NCCOEEE has stated that it recognises the histo


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