Gender Issues

Conference of Women Communist Leaders held in Athens

AFTER the conclusion of the Conference of Women Communist Leaders organised by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in Athens on November 10-11, along with comrades from Russia and Kazakhistan, I was being driven to the airport by a young member of the KKE, Lambrini.  On the way, she told me about her family, her political commitment and about the problems that young people in Greece face today.  She is 24 years old and has a brother and sister close to her in age.  Her father and mother are both dedicated Communist militants and she and her siblings also belong to the Party.  Her father was

Trans-National Surrogacy and Capitalism

THE cabinet approval of the Draft Surrogacy Bill, 2016 has once again turned the spotlight on the debate on the commodification of women’s reproductive labour. The full draft form of the Bill is yet to be shared in the public domain, but its main features include a total ban on ‘commercial surrogacy’. This has invited sharp retaliation from the medical industry which argues that not only will they incur heavy losses, but the ‘surrogate’ women will also lose on a livelihood option.

DELHI: AIDWA Organises Workshop for Young Women

IN the morning on October 16, a Sunday, young women from different parts of Delhi arrived at the premises of the state office of Janwadi Mahila Samiti to take part in a workshop organised by its state committee. JMS in its state conference earlier this year had vowed to take up the task of building organisation amongst young women on an urgent basis. It was noted that to overcome the lack of our presence amongst young women in any significant way, the state committee will undertake systematic steps to approach young women and organise them around their demands.

AIDWA Supports Abolition of Arbitrary Triple Talaq

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association, in a statement issued on October 18, has extended its unequivocal support to the demand of Muslim women for an abolition of the instant arbitrary triple talaq. In its own campaigns, AIDWA has seen overwhelming support of Muslim women for this demand.It has strongly disapproved of the retrograde position taken by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board in this regard in its petition to the Supreme Court.

Take Action against Traffickers

Jharna Das Baidya, CPI(M) MP from Tripura raised a Special mention in the Rajya Sabha on August 3, on the issue of recent cases of trafficking of 31 young tribal girls from Assam. She expressed shock at the trafficking of 31 young tribal girls from Assam to Punjab and Gujarat, in the name of education, to indoctrinate them in Hindutva at the RSS camps. This violates the national and international laws on child trafficking. The victim girls belong to Bodo and Santhal communities in Assam’s Kokrajhar district. They were all aged between 8 to 14 years.

AIDWA Welcomes Order by the National Commission for Scheduled Castes

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), in a statement issued on July 13 has welcomed the order passed by the National Commission for Scheduled Castes asking the Haryana and Rajasthan governments to reconsider their recently imposed criteria of minimum educational qualifications for those wanting to contest panchayat elections.

Gender Inequities & Labour Markets in Neoliberal Era

THE crisis of neoliberal globalisation has manifested itself in the resurgence of right wing politics throughout the world which is now signified by the vicious campaign of Trump in America. Despite the obvious signifiers in the last few years, it is also well acknowledged that the impending crisis is not new and has had a cascading impact on the life of the working classes of the world.

AIDWA Expresses Solidarity with Pakistan's Women

The All India Democratic Women’s Association(AIDWA) in a statement issued on June 3 has expressed solidarity with Pakistan’s women who reacted strongly to the statement made by Pakistan clergy “Beat wives lightly” as a violation of fundamental rights of women. AIDWA also condemned similar derogatory remarks by people holding public offices in India. AIDWA protested when the WCD minister made such remark in the context of marital rape not being applied to Indian families. It also protested against attack on Section 498A which criminalises domestic violence.


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