
TELANGANA: Repression on ‘Chalo HCU’ Protests against VC in Academic Council

EVEN as the police resorted to repressive measures on students and others who participated in the ‘Chalo HCU’ programme on April 6, demanding resignation of vice chancellor P Appa Rao, the latter had to face heat in the meeting of academic council where several members protested against his chairing the meeting and his continuation as VC of the University of Hyderabad.  On the call of the Joint Action Committee of the students’ unions, leaders of different students’ unions, mass organisations and JAC of Osmania University and students coming from different parts of the state turned out on a

TELANGANA: Repression in University of Hyderabad as ‘Accused’ VC Resumes Duty

 WHAT is widely perceived as a pre-planned attempt to create unrest and let loose repression on the students in the University of Hyderabad, with the return of its vice chancellor P Appa Rao, one of the accused in the case of death of dalit research scholar Rohith Vemula, from leave to take charge, the police resorted to indiscriminate lathicharge and assault on the agitating students and even on some of the faculty members, and the varsity administration imposed unwarranted restrictions on the campus and even  supply of water and electricity to the mess was stopped.

JNU Will Come Out Victorious in This Sangh-Scripted Saga

CAMILO Torres, a Communist and a priest in Columbia, said “the best way to destroy a bridge is to campaign it is weak as old. In the initial period of Christianity, it is easy to silence a person by calling him a Christian. In the similar way, terming a person Communist will help you terminate him or her who stood up against the ruling class.” Camilo Torres was shot dead by the same ruling class he was fighting against. The ghosts of Hitler in India are using the word ‘anti-nationals’ to finish off all the resistance being built against its anti-people, anti-student policies.

Why has the Modi Govt Declared a War Against Central Universities?

BEHIND the smokescreen of the pseudo-nationalist rhetoric of the Sangh Parivar and the Modi government, is a sinister design to malign and change the character of central universities. Starting from IIT Madras, University of Hyderabad, JNU and now AMU, the attack of the right wing forces on institutions of higher learning is spreading like an “infection which is turning into gangrene”. A surgical intervention is needed to restore the credibility and the sanctity of the constitution on the one hand and save higher education from this mindless destructive onslaught on the other hand.

15th All India Conference of SFI Concludes Successfully in Sikar

651 delegates and observers representing the 43 lakh students of the country assembled in the Kana Ram Nagar of Sikar to participate in the highest forum of the biggest contingent of the democratic students’ movement in the country. Conferences are not rituals for an organisation like ours. These are occasions to analyse our performance in the light of the tasks set by the last conference, identify our strengths and weaknesses and subsequently chart out the future tasks for the organisation, as well as, devise means to achieve it.

Thumping Victory of SFI in EFLU, Pondicherry University

UNIVERSITY campuses, being one of the frontliners which sing songs about the dark times and where the future of India is taking side, are sending a clear message to the nation. The victory of Students’ Federation of India (SFI) in students’ union elections in two more central universities -- English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU) and Pondicherry University -- last week is not just a result in a campus poll but also a strong political statement which the students of this nation are eager to send to the public.

‘Occupy UGC’: A Struggle To Save Research in India

ALL the Day, All the Night - Occupy UGC’ has become a popular slogan and is reverberating on university campuses across the country. This slogan emerged out of students’ anger against the decision of UGC, under the direction of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, to discontinue non-NET scholarship. Though there is an immediate economic demand of the student community which triggered this movement, its scope and scale have become much larger than the immediate concern. The struggle now is not merely against a particular decision.

Occupy UGC: Challenges of Intensifying and Sustaining the Struggle

LAST week Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced fifty thousand scholarships for African students at the conclusion of the India–Africa Summit. It is quite natural that the African leadership lauded Modi and gratefully accepted the largesse offered by India. However this kodak moment was spoilt by the simultaneous police action that was taking place against Indian students who have been protesting against the withdrawal of non-NET fellowships outside the UGC.

National Students’ Parliament Held in Kerala

THE first national students’ parliament on the theme ‘Higher Education: Emerging Issues and Challenges’, was held from October 9-11, 2015 at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It attempted to address the critical domain of higher education bearing on the present and future of our democratic republic and chart out a blue print for future action and deliberations.  It has given a new vigour and was an enriching experience to the leaders of student community for combating centralisation, commercialisation and communalisation policies of the governments.


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