Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Central Committee Communique

The Central Committee of the CPI(M) met in New Delhi on December 15-16, 2018. It has issued the following statement on December 17.Electoral TacticsFor Lok Sabha ElectionsThe Central Committee reiterated the electoral tactics adopted at its last meeting held in October for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

Jallianwala Bagh Centenary Observed in Canada

ON December 8, continuing the tradition of the Indo Canadian Workers Association (ICWA), annual calendar was released at Surrey, Canada in Strawberry Hill Library. The calendar was dedicated to the Gadar movement heroes who laid down their lives for the freedom movement of India and to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre which took place 100 years ago. Observing the centenary of the massacre, in which nearly 1,000 innocent people were killed, the ICWA held a large meeting in which people from all walks of life participated.

A Looming Fiscal Crisis?

THE UPA-2 government, in its last three years in office, had been obsessed with ‘fiscal consolidation’ – a retreat from the limited ‘fiscal stimulus’ announced after the global crisis. The pre-occupation was with bringing down of the fiscal deficit, more so by restricting public expenditure growth instead of stepping uprevenue mobilisation. The change of government in 2014 produced no shift in this basic thrust of the fiscal policy of the central government.

Condolence Resolution

G VeeraiyanThe Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) pays homage to the memory of Comrade G Veeraiyan, former member of the Tamil Nadu state committee of the Party who died on November 18. He was 86.Born into a share-cropping peasant family in 1932, Comrade GV studied upto fourth standard. He was one of the members of the Co-ordination Committee to form the CPI(M) in Tamil Nadu. Veeraiyan served in various positions in the Party in the erstwhile Thanjavur district, in the Party state committee and state secretariat.

Threat to Democracy in the Age of Social or Anti-social Media

THE three Hindi heartland states – Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan – have rejected the BJP in varying degrees in the elections to the state assemblies. These elections show that even with money power and its electoral machinery including its formidable WhatsApp reach, BJP is vulnerable to peoples’ discontent. People rejected BJP’s false claims of development and their hate campaign in good, old fashioned ways – through talking to each other in homes, tea shops and in every day conversations with friends.

The Yellow Vest Movement

NOTHING shows the crisis of neoliberal capitalism more clearly than the popular uprising in France that is occurring under the banner of the “Yellow Vest” movement. Thousands are congregating in Paris over week-ends to protest against the intolerable burdens being imposed upon them in the name of “austerity” and to demand that resources be raised instead through taxing the rich.

BRI and the Indo-Pacific Clash

THE Indo-Pacific has emerged as the centre of gravity of global geopolitics. This year’s APEC conference in Papua New Guinea did not produce a joint communique because of the growing Sino-US tensions. The Trump administration is pressurising China on trade and technology issues. The United States is relentlessly pursuing its strategic agenda to retain its dominance of the Indo-Pacific region and ensure that the Chinese growing economic power does not catapult it to command the region.

Results of Assembly Elections

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 10THE defeat of the BJP in the elections to the state assemblies of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, is a clear indication of the people’s discontent and anger at the policies followed by the Modi government and the BJP state governments that have imposed unbearable burdens on the people.

Why is France Burning?

FRANCE, for the last four weeks, has been witnessing one of the major political demonstrations since 1968, ie, almost after fifty years. While the 1968 demonstrations were hailed as the ‘student demonstrations’ that initiated a popular movement against the then governments in many of the capitalist States, there is a substantial difference with what is now taking place in France. The present protests are mainly led by the toiling classes in the country, chiefly those from the rural regions, with students too joining them at a later stage.


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