Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Ensure accountability in Judiciary

Implement the POSH Act effectively in the complaint against CJI by SC ex employeeTHE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on  May 16, has expressed serious concern at the recent developments and actions by the Supreme Court following the complaint by a former woman employee of the Supreme Court against the Chief Justice of India.CITU feels that the procedures required as per the POSH (Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 have not been followed in letter and spirit in the case.First of all, the highest forum of judic

FIFTY YEARS OF CITU: Class Unity and Class Struggle

IT was with this vision that the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) was founded in 1970, the yearlong Golden Jubilee celebrations of which will start on its Foundation Day this year – May 30. This vision was clearly spelt out in the constitution of CITU thus: ‘The CITU believes that the exploitation of the working class can be ended only by socialising all means of production, distribution and exchange and establishing a Socialist State.

WEST BENGAL: Large Scale Rigging in Diamond Harbour Constituency

IN the seventh and final round of elections, West Bengal again witnessed large scale booth capturing and rigging in some constituencies. Though the people came out in large numbers and foiled vote loot in many others.Large scale violence and organized rigging was witnessed in Diamond Harbour constituency where the “prince” of TMC, nephew of the chief minister, Abhishek Banerjee was party’s candidate. From the very beginning of the election campaign TMC spread terror in the entire parliamentary constituency with direct connivance of state administration and police.

Road Transport Workers’ Federation Demands Withdrawal of IRDA’s Proposal

THE All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation, in a statement issued on May 21, has strongly condemned the proposal of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) to enhance the third party insurance premium rates for the motor vehicles including agriculture tractors. The proposal is irrational, non transparent and highly exploitative. The proposal is made when the entire country is eagerly waiting for the parliament election results and the new government to take oath.

Hundred Years of Struggles and Sacrifices Of the Working Class of India

 BEGINNING on May 30, 2019, CITU is going for yearlong celebration of “100 years of struggles and sacrificesof the working class of India, since the formation of the First Trade Union Centre, and “50 years of fight for unity of the working class” since the formation of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions. Following are historical milestones of these working class struggles and sacrifices, till the formation of CITU, for the class and people’s cause, class unity, and for developing class perspective and orientation.

AIDWA Condemns Attack on PCPNDT Act

AIDWA, in a statement issued on May 10, has strongly condemned the stand taken by Dr Santanu Sen, president, Indian Medical Association, seeking 'comprehensive review, repeal and re-conception' of PCPNDT Act and deplored the fact that the president and the general secretary of the highest medical body in India considers it a 'harassment' for doctors to maintain transparency of their practice by complying with the rules and regulations of the Act.

BJP’s Dangerous Game in Bengal

IN an attempt to get more seats in West Bengal, the BJP led by Prime Minister Modi and his right-hand man Amit Shah, have been vigorously fanning the flames of religious division and animosity during their campaigning in the state. This has taken the form of openly talking about throwing out so-called illegal immigrants into the Bay of Bengal, of imposing the National Register of Citizens in the state and repeatedly, in meeting after meeting, alleging that the Hindu community is under siege in Bengal.

The Indo-US Trade relations

BRITAIN, as the leading capitalist country in the world, had a current account deficit vis-à-vis the newly emerging countries, such as Continental Europe and the United States, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In fact it is the nature of the leading country to have such a deficit, since it provides the scope to others to grow within the international currency arrangement presided over by the leading country.The US likewise has a current account deficit vis-à-vis today’s emerging countries.


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