SOON after the Narendra Modi-led BJP secured an emphatic victory in the parliamentary election, reports about targeting of Muslims and dalits started trickling in from various parts of the country. The second consecutive win for the BJP, riding on a narrative built around communal nationalist jingoism, has emboldened right-wing goons and vigilantes.Mohammed Barkat Alam experienced it first-hand in Gurgaon. On May 25, two days after the Lok Sabha election results were declared, a group of men accosted Alam when he was returning from a mosque after evening prayers.
After the protracted elections came to a grinding halt on May 19, the nation waited with bated breath for the results. 23rd May was the D day. However, the post poll interregnum was not quiet. The unprecedented acrimony and the divisiveness had marked these elections with most of the exit polls and the corresponding rollercoaster in the share market led to another round of heated argument in the television studios. Since the campaign was hotly contested, this was not surprising.
ALL indications are that the second term of the Modi government will mark a further reinforcement of its role as a junior partner of the United States. This will, in turn, quicken the implementation of the neoliberal agenda and the consequent adverse impact on the lives of the people.In the period 2014-19, the Modi government took substantial steps to further interlink India strategically and militarily with the US. Agreements for logistic support and integration of military communication equipment were signed.
NEARLY 800 e-Sevai and Aadhaar enrolment workers from Tamil Nadu went on hunger strike against the closure of the e-Sevai centres. The workers, on May 31, held hunger strike in 20 district centres across the state, demanding a minimum wage of Rs 18,000. They also took to streets and protested against illegal deduction of salaries, and demanded better working conditions.The Tamil Nadu state government, in 2014, started around 1,000 e-Sevai centers across the state under the Digital India scheme.
THE CPI(M), Delhi state committee, in a statement issued on June 4, has welcomed the decision of the Delhi state government to provide free travel for women in the metro and state run buses. This will especially provide welcome relief to lakhs of women working in the unorganised sector who are deprived of even minimum wages. The state government should extend benefits of the above scheme to male workers in the unorganised sector as well as to senior citizens. Similarly school and college students should be exempt from paying any fare in both the metro and buses, the statement said.
On June 1, the CITU has issued the following statement:NITI Ayog has announced ‘big bang’ reform through anti-worker changes in labour laws and fast tracking privatisation or closure of 46 PSUs. Rajiv Kumar, vice chairman of NITI Ayog has categorically told that “They (the foreign investors) will have reasons to be happy” and the government will “build an inventory of government land that can be offered to foreign investors”.
WORKERS in Andhra Pradesh observed the golden jubilee celebrations of CITU with vigour. Flag marches, rallies, meetings and blood donation camps were organised in this connection. Golden jubilee meeting was held in Kalabharati at Visakhapatnam, which was presided over by Ch Narasinga Rao, CITU state president. He explained the historical background for the formation of CITU and narrated the ebbs and flows of the movement. In any tough situation, CITU stood to safeguard the interests of working class, he explained.
WE often miss this aspect in our discussions, but Modi’s re-election is part of a global Right-ward shift that is taking place. Netanyahu got re-elected in Israel. Erdogan got massively re-elected in Turkey. The Conservative government came back to power in Australia against all predictions to the contrary.
DURING its five years in the central government from 2014 to 2019, BJP had not only polarised the people with a narrative of hate politics in its pursuit of Hindu Rashtra. Its economic policies had inflicted considerable harm on vast sections of India’s working people and destroyed informal sector livelihoods on a massive scale via demonetisation and a badly designed and hastily implemented GST.