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Peoples Democracy newsletter

HKS Surjeet Bhawan Inaugurated Permanent Party School to Train Cadres

H K S SURJEET Bhawan was inaugurated on October 2, 2019 at New Delhi. The bhawan will be a permanent party school for the cadres to be trained in the science of Marxism. The flag hoisting at the Surjeet Bhawan was done by S R Pillai, senior most Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M). The statute of Comrade  H K S Surjeet was unveiled by Biman Bose-PB member and the official inauguration of the building was done by Sitaram Yechury-general secretary of the Party.The inauguration ceremony was held in the auditorium of the bhawan which was presided over by Prakash Karat-Polit Bureau member.

Haryana: CPI(M) to Contest 7 Seats

THE following candidates were announced by the CPI(M) Haryana state committee for the ensuing state assembly elections.1. Suresh Kumar                                 Adampur2. Jagtar Singh                                                Tohana3. Julana                                              Ramesh Chander4. Bhiwani Khera®                             Ram Mehar (SC)5. Kalanaur®                                       Kamlesh-woman(SC)6. Kalayat®                                         Satyawan(SC)7.

Haryana: AIDWA State Conference

THE 10th Haryana state conference of AIDWA was held on August 31-September1 at Bhiwani on the issues of drug abuse, liquor menace, patriarchal ideology manifesting in various formsand other issues confronting the people and the women in particular.The open session was presided over by Shakuntala Jhakhad, state president of AIDWA and Shubha who is a famous poet and writer.The open session was addressed by Subhashini Ali and Mariam Dhawale-central leaders of AIDWA, Mahendra Chawla(who testified against the ills of Asaram Bapu) and Savita-state secretary.Subhashini Ali spoke about the challeng

Onwards to Struggles

THE attacks on the working class and all sections of the working people have been intensifying since the Modi government came back to power in May 2019.  The economic slowdown and the deteriorating economic conditions are a product of the neo-liberal policies pursued by the Modi government in the past five years.  In order to get out of this crisis, the government has announced policies and changes in regulations to provide more concessions to the corporates and foreign capital. The tax cuts for corporates to the tune of Rs 1.45 lakh crore is the latest instance.

Workers Call for a General Strike on January 8, 2020

A NATIONAL Open Mass Convention of Workers gave a call for a general strike in the country on January 8, 2020 against the economic polices pursued by the Modi government at the centre. The convention was attended by leaders of INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC and Independent Federations, Associations and Unions of Workers and Employees on September 30, 2019 at Parliament Street, New Delhi.Below we present the resolution that was unanimously adopted in the convention:The Modi-led BJP government has completed its 100 days of its second term in office.

Shame on you Manu, Apologise

THE news about death of two innocent children of Shivpuri on September 25 morning was very scary. Scarier was the fact that except one newspaper the others did not even think that it was worth reporting. It seems that journalism now has become more of an agenda work and news is missing from it.The item, “open defecation” was misleading and trash news.

Gandhiji’s Values: Anathema for Hindutva Forces

HAD Gandhiji been alive today, he would have sat on an indefinite hunger strike against the mob lynchings of innocent people accused of cow slaughter. Because for him, even a single act of violence against an innocent man was an anathema.As we observe the 150th birth anniversary of the 'Mahatma', it is necessary to recall why he became a great soul for the crores of Indians and for many people around the world.Gandhiji was truly a world historical figure of the twentieth century.

LEFT PARTIES NATIONAL CONVENTION: All India Protest against Deepening Economic Crisis & Growing People’s Miseries

This Conventionnotes with deep anguish thatthe Indian economy is in the grip of an extremely serious crisis bordering on a recession. All evidence, including the doctored official data, confirms that in almost all sectors of the economy, there is a collapse of demand leading to big cuts in production and an unprecedented mounting job losses, women being the worst victims.

Rising Unemployment and the Urban Employment Guarantee

UNEMPLOYMENT in the cities is rising acutely since demonetisation was implemented in the country by Narendra Modi on September 9, 2016. The voices of the unemployed could not be heard at that time since most of the people who had to lose their jobs were from the unorganised sector. The informal sector comprises 93 per cent of the city jobs, the figure two decades ago was nearly 75 per cent. This figure explains the humongous loss done to the job security in the cities. The informal sector workers were the hardest hit because of demonetisation.


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