Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

#Hokkolorob (“Keep Up the Din”)

TO our readers, this caption may appear as something alien – foreign. But those who frequent the social media – this insignia has become familiar over the last week or more. This is the sign post of a massive student movement that started in Jadavpur University (JU); but has subsequently spilled over across West Bengal and beyond. The measure of resonance of the movement can be understood from the fact that on September 25, there will be a protest across hundred cities of the world, going beyond geographic frontiers of the country.

The Spectre of Social Counter-Revolution - II

THE fourth factor impinging on caste-contradictions in a neo-liberal economic regime arises from the tendency of this regime to get into crises and periods of prolonged stagnation. Growth under a neo-liberal regime depends essentially upon the formation of “bubbles” in asset prices. When such bubbles get formed, especially in the economy of the United States, which is the leading capitalist power in the world, the entire world capitalist system, and with it Indian capitalism as well, experiences high growth.

The Phenomenon of Student Loans

THE deputy chairman of the Planning Commission that has just been wound up, when asked on one occasion about the exorbitant fees that private educational institutions, whose weight in the education system has been increasing at an astonishing pace of late, were charging, replied that it did not matter, since students could always study on loans. He was simply articulating the neo-liberal position that since education enabled one to increase one’s earnings, the acquisition of education was like the acquisition of an asset.

What Hides Beneath RSS’ New-found Love for Dalits

SUDDENLY the RSS is showering Dalits with lots of love. Suddenly? Or is it planned? As things are unveiling, it appears more of a design than a spontaneous realisation. The RSS leaders, reports indicate, have written forewords to three books on Dalits written by the spokesperson of their political arm – the BJP. Whenever the RSS and its associates dabble with history, it is sure to evoke enormous interest.

Successful Mars Orbiter Mission

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on September 24.

THE putting of the Mangalyaan satellite into the Mars orbit is a significant achievement. It has demonstrated India’s technological potential in space. The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) congratulates the scientists and staff of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for this achievement.

In order to take this forward it is necessary to focus on launching the GSLV for future space exploration.

On Chinese President’s Visit to India

THE Chinese president and general secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping and First Lady Peng Liyuan paid their maiden three day State visit to India. This is the first visit of the Chinese president after his election to these positions in 2012. Sixteen agreements and memoranda of understanding have been signed, eleven of them with the central government and another five with the state governments of Gujarat and Maharashtra.

President Xi in India: Opening of a New Chapter!

THE Chinese President, Xi Jinping’s tour of South Asia in the third week of September ended with his three day visit to India. Before reaching Indian shores, the Chinese president had visited the Maldives and Sri Lanka. Both sides have described the visit of the Chinese president as successful. The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, speaking after the return of President Xi to Beijing, said that “cooperation” between the two countries was the main theme that dominated the summit meeting with the Indian prime minister.

Punish Fraudsters: Huge Rally in Kolkata

TENS of thousands of people marched through streets of Kolkata on September 22 demanding punishment for the fraudsters and beneficiaries in the Chit fund scam. In one of the largest mobilisations in the recent period, people from all walks of life joined the march called by the Left Front. It was to demand compensation to the depositors who were cheated of their lifelong savings in Saradha and other chit fund frauds and trial and punishment of all those accused in the scam including the TMC leaders.


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