Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

When a Majority is Used to Trivialise Hate Speech

THE central government, which had adamantly refused to accept any resolution of the issues arising out of the hate speech by its minister Niranjan Jyoti, was forced to accept a compromise resolution read out by the chairman of the Rajya Sabha.The episode highlights various facets of the BJP or rather the Modi style of governance.From the initial response of the prime minister it was clear that he had no intention of addressing the protests rightly expressed by the opposition in both Houses of Parliament.  He was present on the first day itself in the Lok Sabha but refused to say a word.

Historic Joint Rally of Left Parties in Punjab

FOUR Left parties – CPI, CPI(M), CPM Punjab and CPI(ML) Liberation – held a massive Chetawani Rally in Ludhiana on November 28 and warned the Akali Dal-BJP government in Punjab to accept the demand charter containing burning problems and just demands of the people or be ready to face intensive and consistent mass struggles including satyagraha. The historical rally demanded scrapping of the draconian black law – the Prevention of Damage to Public and Private Property Bill 2014 -- passed by the Punjab assembly recently.

Africa: Another Strongman Falls

THE dramatic events that gripped the landlocked African nation of Burkina Faso in the last week of October, has resulted in the exit of its long serving authoritarian ruler, President Blaise Compaore. The 64 year old Compaore, in a foolhardy move, tried to once again tinker with the constitution to indefinitely extend his rule. On October 22, the ruling party suddenly announced that it was proposing to table a bill in the national assembly that would amend Article 27 of the Constitution that would give the president yet another five year term in office.

Victory Rally in Kalwan Calls For Struggle against BJP Regime

A LARGE and enthusiastic rally that was held at Kalwan in Nashik district to celebrate the victory of CPI(M) state secretariat member and former AIKS state president J P Gavit in the state assembly elections for the seventh time, resolved to intensify the struggle against the anti-people policies and the communal acts of the BJP regime at the centre and in the state. The rally was addressed by CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Sitaram Yechury, state secretary and Central Committee member Dr Ashok Dhawale and J P Gavit, MLA, among others.

AIDWA Opposes Closure of Crisis Centre Project

The following is the press statement issued by the All India Democratic Women’s Association on November 29.
AS reported in the press, the prime minister’s office has shot down the one stop crisis centre project of WCD which was to provide medical, legal, police and emergency services to survivors in distress under one roof. The centres were proposed one at each district costing Rs 200 crores in total. The PMO has come out with the argument that the scheme was unnecessary and services should be provided through existing infrastructure. AIDWA strongly criticises this move of PMO.

Tripura Introduces Cash Subsidy on Pulses & Mustard Oil through PDSTripura Introduces Cash Subsidy on Pulses & Mustard Oil through PDS

SETTING another example of its alternative pro people policy outlook and what can be done even with meagre resources, the Left Front government in Tripura became the first state in the country to introduce cash subsidy on mustard oil and pulses for all the families of the state through the public distribution system. In a function at Rabindra Shatavarshiki Bhavan on December 2, Chief Minister Manik Sarkar formally launched the scheme.

900 Homes Uprooted without Notice in Delhi Slum, Party Takes up Cause of Homeless

IT took no more than a few hours for about 900 slum dwellings to be pulled down last month at Rangpur Pahadi in south Delhi, the swiftness and suddenness of the action catching the thousands of residents of the settlement off-guard and leaving them with little recourse for justice in a case where the court itself was ignored by Delhi government officials as they carried out their demolition drive.


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