Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Evil Nexus against RTE Act in Tamilnadu:SFI Organises Militant Protests

THE Students' Federation of India organised militant protests across Tamilnadu against the evil nexus of the private schools and the school education department of the government of Tamilnadu, on June 9.J Rajmohan , SFI state secretary, who led a protest at the Directorate of School Education  in Chennai  asked the government to monitor the fees, since many private schools charge higher than the amount stipulated by the fee fixation committee.There are several schools in the state that charge two to three times higher than the amount fixed by the committee.

Assault on Free Speech will be Strongly Resisted

 THE authorities of the IIT Madras have withdrawn the decision to derecognise the student association named Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle (APSC) on June 6, 2015. It has happened not because of the goodwill of the officials but due to the nationwide struggle launched by democratic and progressive forces in our country. APSC had been derecognised by the dean of students of IIT Madras at the instigation of the ministry of human resource development on May 28, 2015.

Nestle Must Not Escape Liability After Poisoning a Whole Generation

THE recent controversy on safety concerns surrounding Maggi noodles – the popular instant noodle brands of the Swiss transnational company (TNC), Nestle – raises a number of issues that have not been explored in much of the media reports. The entire controversy erupted after a conscientious Food and Drug inspector in UP got samples of Maggi instant noodles tested for the presence of toxic and impermissible ingredients.

Statewide Campaign on Peoples’ Issues

From Our Special Correspondent in KolkataTHE Left Front has decided to organiSe statewide campaign on burning issues of people for a fortnight from June 12. Seven major issues have been identified for the campaign movement. The first issue is defence and restoration of democratic rights in the state. Explaining the contours of the movement, Left Front chairman Biman Basu has said that democratic and civil rights of every section of the people were under attack in the TMC regime. The state administration and the ruling party have created a reign of terror and fear across the state.

Fearing the Word

STOP reading. Stop writing. Stop discussing. These are the new three monkeys that our drawing rooms need to be decorated with. Let go off those three monkeys of Gandhi, that old Gujarati. Here we have now a brand-new Gujarati, the 56-inch, decisive, fashion-icon, 'pradhan sevak'. Give way, the dhoti-clad Gandhi, to the monogrammed suit wearing Narendra Damodar Modi.Forgive me, it is wrong. You can read, you can write, you can is the caveat.

Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund

Splendid Response in Kerala THERE has been a splendid response in Kerala to the appeal given by the CPI(M) Polit Bureau for collecting funds to help in the relief and rehabilitation efforts of the victims of the massive earthquake in Nepal. In the mass collection conducted by Party units throughout the state during the first few days of May, the Party collected Rs. 2,84,99,853. Given below is the district-wise break up of the collection in the state.  


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