Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Student & Youth Activists Foil Rightwing Conspiracy, Hold Massive Assembly in Mumbai

A MASSIVE ‘Student-Youth Assembly Against Discrimination’ raising the slogan “Defeat Fascism, Defend the Republic” was held in Mumbai on April 23 by a joint platform committee consisting of six student organisations, Students’ Federation of India (SFI), All India Students Federation (AISF), Progress Students Front (PSF) of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, All India Students Association (AISA), Chhatrabharati, All India Democratic Students Organisation (AIDSO) and four youth organisations, Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI), All India Youth Federation (AIYF), Revolutionary Youth A

Terrorism Blow Back in Europe

THE coordinated terror attacks in Brussels, the capital of Belgium is yet another sign that committed jihadists holding European citizenship can strike almost at will on the continent. The headquarters of the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic treaty Organisation (NATO) are located in Brussels. In the attacks on the busy Zavantem international airport terminal and the Maelbeek Metro station located in the city center on March 22, more than 31 people were killed and 300 wounded.

Jadavpur University Targeted Yet Again by Saffron Brigade

JADAVPUR University, one of the most acclaimed academic institutions of the country, has once again been the target of the saffron brigade. The incident flared up with the screening of Vivek Agnihotri's film "Buddha in a Traffic Jam" at Jadavpur University campus on May 6, 2016. The permission of screening was cancelled by the Hall authority due to the ongoing election process. The rightist force with the banner of ABVP entered into the campus and started screening the said documentary without the permission of the authorities with the help of muscle flexing of the outsiders.

Massive Protest Action of Himachal Peasants' for Protection of Land Rights

HUNDREDS of peasants and agricultural workers under the red flag and banners of Himachal Kisan Sabha and Himachal Apple Growers' Association marched to the Himachal Pradesh Secretariat demanding protection of land rights. They sat on dharna braving heavy rain and hailstorm on May 3-4. It was inaugurated by Rakesh Singha, former general secretary of CPI(M) HP state committee and leader of trade union movement as well as of Apple Growers' Association.

Geospatial Bill or the Monumental Stupidity of the Home Ministry?

THE Geospatial Bill, May 2016 has been released by the ministry of home for public discussions before being placed in the parliament. The bill is not about geospatial data or applications of geospatial data for development and better governance, but only about how to “protect” India's borders on various maps, and “hide” sensitive information from its enemies. In the process, we have a throwback to the 19th century mindset, when Survey of India was the sole map making entity, maps were confidential and only paper maps existed.

The Perversity of Market Signals

IF we leave aside the problem of deficiency of aggregate demand, ie, of generalised over-production, then the only demand-supply mismatch that can arise in an economy is when too much of some commodity is produced relative to demand, and correspondingly too little of some other commodity is produced relative to demand. When such a mismatch arises, the market gives a clear signal about it through the actual level of inventories of commodities being either too much or too little relative to the “normal” level.

Thinking Together

What is the CPI(M) stand on GM crops? Why can it be not utilised?Padmakumar, CochinTHE CPI(M) is all for scientific innovation which protects the best interests of people and farmers. However, the Party is firmly of the opinion that there should not be any commercial release of GM crops without ensuring safety for humans, animals and the environment. Stringent long-term bio-safety tests by a competent regulatory mechanism must establish safety for humans, animals, environment and bio-diversity of the country.

Jharkhand Bandh on May 14

A MEETING of Left Parties of Jharkhand held on May 7,  decided to observe a statewide bandh on May 14, to protest against series of communal incidents throughout the state, anti-workers amendments to the labour laws, amendment to the Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act and Santhal Pargana Tenancy Act, anti-people local residential policies, forcible acquisition of land, attack on trade union and democratic rights and deteriorating law and order situation in the state.The meeting was presided by GK Bakshi, state secretary of CPI(M) and attended by K D Singh, state secretary of CPI, Prakash Viplav, stat

The Energetic Campaign by the CPI(M)

THE elections for Tamilnadu Assembly are scheduled on May 16 along with Kerala. In Tamilnadu for the first time an alternative front has been formed against both DMK and AIADMK. This front consists of CPI(M), CPI, MDMDK (headed by Vaiko), VCK (a strong dalit party) which together had formed Peoples Welfare Front. Later on, DMDK of Vijaykanth and TMC of GK Vasan (son of Karuppiaih Moopanar and former central minister) also joined and a six party alliance emerged. This six party alliance has been giving many sleepless nights to both the dominant parties of the state.


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