Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Two Years of Modi Govt: Primary agenda is ‘Hinduisation’

IT is for the first time in the history of India that the BJP came to power at the Centre on the basis of its individual strength, securing one-third votes and 282 seats in the 543-member Lok Sabha. The yardstick for evaluation of a party-in-government for two years either at the Centre or in states is quite simple. Policies and performance of a government is judged on the basis of its strengths as well as inadequacies in terms of outcome. Hence, “performance” is the criterion for a critical evaluation of a government after two years.

Himachal Pradesh University: SFI Agitation on ‘Save Education, Save University’

DEMANDING roll back of huge fee hike, withdrawal of choice based credit system till availability of proper infrastructure and human resources, against victimisation of innocent students and for restoration of direct student central association elections, Students’ Federation of India (SFI) staged a hunger strike on April 7 on Himachal Pradesh University campus. The protest was later extended by a day to mount pressure on the university authorities and to expose the state government.

Protect State Road Transport Corporations: AIRTWF

IT is reported in the press that the government of India has taken a decision to give 40 percent subsidy for individuals who wish to purchase a bus. The All India Road Transport Workers Federation, in a statement issued on June 1, has strongly condemned this decision of the union government and has demanded that the state road transport corporations be extended 40 percent subsidy. They are providing transport facilities to the remote areas, that too at an affordable fare, as a result of which, particularly, the downtrodden sections of the society are benefited.

DSMM Protests against Attack on Dalit Groom by Casteist forces

THE Delhi-NCR committee of Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch (DSMM) organised a protest demonstration at Haryana Bhawan on May 27, against the shameful incident in Bhusthala village of Kurukshetra district where a dalit groom was attacked by the upper caste men for the crime of daring to ride a horse-drawn carriage in his wedding. The groom’s procession was attacked in spite of the police presence. Numerous dalit families have had to face such attacks in the past few years due to the casteist, feudal mentality.

“Come and See Blood on the Streets”

THE playing out of gruesome violence in post-poll West Bengal will put many a horrific nightmare to shame. What makes this violence almost inexplicable to the uninitiated in the `hell-hole’ of the present political landscape of the state is the `massive mandate’, which columnists and contributors are so eloquent in articulating. No wonder! We have been tutored since our childhood to believe that `victors’ have to be forgiving; there is no room for vengeance in triumph.

'Stop Intimidation of Activists'

CERTAIN reports have appeared in a section of the media stating that the professors from the Jawaharlal Nehru University and the Delhi University who visited Bastar, Chhattisgarh are being harassed with copies of the false complaints registered against them being sent to the concerned universities. In this context, CPI(M) general secretary, Sitaram Yechury had addressed a letter to chief minister Raman Singh on May 27, 2016 seeking his intervention.

India’s Reusable Launch Vehicle

ISRO added another feather to its cap by successfully launching, on May 23, 2016, the first of four experimental versions of its Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) technology demonstrator (RLV-TD) programme under which a series of calibrated tests with serially upgraded versions would be tested towards the ultimate objective of developing a two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) reusable launch vehicle. Once again, India joins a small group of countries working to develop an RLV, and has show-cased the vision and strengths of its multi-faceted space programme.


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