Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

The Strange Spectacle of WTO Negotiations being Launched in WEF, Davos

THE US, European Union (EU) and its allies are part of a 76-country “WTO initiative” on “trade related aspects of e-commerce”. Strangely enough, this initiative was launched in the World Economic Forum at Davos, and not in any WTO fora. This “initiative” was discussed a number of times in WTO including the last ministerial in Buenos Aires in 2017, where also it was rejected. The developing countries including India had argued that without any agreement on Doha development agenda, WTO could not take up other issues.

CITU Congratulates Defence Employees for the Successful Strike

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on January 25, has heartily congratulated the defence sector civilian employees and their federations for the heroic countrywide three days strike on January 23-25, 2019 in all defence sector production, research and service establishments to defend country’s defence sector production and service network, against the onslaught of outsourcing and privatisation by the present BJP government at the centre.All the defence employees’ federations including the All India Defence Employees Federation have jointly given the strike call to prot

Desperation of BJP all the More Evident

PM MODI is clearly rattled by reading the writing on the wall concerning the outcome of the 2019 general elections. As a result, he is doling out various excuses and reasons in order to portray the efforts for unity, that is emerging among the secular opposition for the ouster of the BJP from government, as an act of either opportunism, an act of money bags getting together or an act of sheer desperation; that it is Modi versus the rest in the forthcoming elections.

Hands Off Venezuela

THE United States has declared war against the legitimate government of Venezuela headed by President Nicolas Maduro.This is the meaning of the brazen act of interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela with the Trump administration announcing the recognition of a rightwing opposition leader, Juan Guaido, as the interim president.  Alongside this illegal act came also the call to the Venezuelan armed forces to withdraw support to the lawfully elected president. That Guaido declared himself as the interim president on January 23, which was immediately endorsed by the United States, show

The Apparent Enigma of Growth

AT first sight it appears to be an enigma. India has been recording, according to official statistics, one of the highest GDP growth rates among all the countries of the world, so much so that epithets like “emerging economic superpower” and “a global powerhouse of growth”, have been freely used to describe India’s achievement. Bourgeois commentators display much pride over the fact that India is in the process of surpassing even China in terms of its growth-rate. The IMF is now talking of India leading the world in 2019 in GDP growth.

Remembering the Republic, Planning and Science in the Times of Unreason

INDIA became a republic on January 26, 1950, when the constitution, steered by Babasaheb Ambedkar in the Constituent Assembly, came into effect. It is the constitution that guarantees that all sections of people – irrespective of race, religion or caste – have full rights to the nation, including the right to a decent standard of living. It is this vision of democracy and a secular republic that is under threat today.This week is also important as January 23 is celebrated as the birthday of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Assault on Higher Education: DUTA’s Struggles

HIGHER education in our country has witnessed a continuous and unprecedented assault in the last decade, since the UPA-2 regime. The same received a vicious momentum since the Modi government took over in May 2014 as evident in the relentless attack on the academic and the financial autonomy of the university system. University of Delhi is no exception to these attacks in the last decade owing to the continuity of policies by the governments led by both Congress and BJP.


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