Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

AIDWA State Conference Vows to Take on Communal Forces

THE 11th Maharashtra state conference of AIDWA was held at Amravati in the Vidarbha region on February 1-3, 2019. Amravati along with its surrounding districts of Vidarbha has seen the relentless tragedy of rising peasant suicides for the last two decades.The conference was attended by 264 women delegates coming from 14 districts, representing a membership of nearly one lakh.

The Aftermath of Pulwama

THE death of 40 jawans of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in the horrific attack in Pulwama has caused sorrow and outrage among people throughout the country. Thousands of people attended the funerals of the killed jawans who were drawn from 16 states of the country.That the Jaish e-Mohammed (JeM) is responsible for this latest atrocity has focused the role of Pakistan in harbouring the JeM chief Masood Azhar and other jihadi groups. The JeM was responsible for both the Pathankot and Uri attacks in 2016.

Highly Successful Three-day Strike in BSNL

THE three-day strike of the employees and officers of BSNL, which started on February 18, 2019, is a huge success. It was called by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB). Almost all the telephone exchanges, administrative offices, customer service centres, etc, remained closed throughout the country, on all the three days. The government invoked the draconian ESMA to suppress the strike.

United March for Education

ON February 19, student organisations including SFI joined a protest action in the national capital that saw the participation of teachers and non-teaching staff. Thousands of students, teachers, non-teaching employees and parents from different states converged at Delhi on February 19 to march under the banner of the Joint Forum for Movement on Education (JFME) and demanded a reversal of the privatisation policies that have led to social exclusion and denial of rights.

CAG Report: An Obfuscation

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on February 13THE report tabled in the Parliament on the last day it met before the general election by the comptroller and auditor general `On Capital Acquisition in Indian Air Force’, raises more questions than providing answers.1)    The report does not cover the issue of offset contracts.  Hence, there is no mention of the Reliance Defence and how the original public sector partner, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), who was to manufacture 108 fighter jets was summarily removed by offset contract.  This, we are informed, will be d

CAG Report: A Poor Defence of the Rafale Deal

 THE long awaited CAG Report on the Rafale and 10 other defence acquisitions begins with two wrong notes. One is the acceptance of the government’s demand to redact the price details of the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) or the Rafale deal; then its disclosure in the preface that the total cost of the 11 defence acquisitions is Rs 95,000 crore, effectively giving away the Rafale deal price. A simple two minute calculation (see table 1) reveals that the price of the Rafale deal or the BXX in the CAG’s table of prices was Rs 60,576.54 crore. A case of carelessness in redaction?


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