Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

CPI(M) Condoles Passing Away of Le Kha Phieu

THE Communist Party of India (Marxist) expresses its deep sorrow on the passing away of former general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Comrade Le Kha Phieu, at the age of 89. Le Kha Phieu was born on December 27, 1931 in Thanh Hóa Province’s Dong Son district and served in senior positions in the army and the Party. He became a member of the Party Central Committee in 1991 and was the general secretary of the Party from December 1997 to April 2001.Com Phieu was an outstanding leader of the older generation of the CPV and Vietnam.

Historic Bengal Food Movement of 1959

THE struggle for food, waged by the people of West Bengal is an immortal saga, written in the blood and suffering of people roused to action in defence of their right to live. The struggle for food started on July 13, 1959 and continued till September, in which dozens of people died due to the then Congress government’s brutal repression – hundreds more were injured and thousands incarcerated. The struggle assumed the form of a huge upsurge of the entire people of Bengal.

MAHARASHTRA: Big Participation in August 9 Struggle

ON August 8/9/10, 2020, 45,085 people led by CITU, AIKS, AIAWU, AIDWA, DYFI, SFI and AARM at 491 centres in 99 tehsils and 23 cities/towns in 31 districts of Maharashtra came on to the streets, braving both the Covid pandemic and torrential rains. They held massive demonstrations against the anti-people, pro-corporate, authoritarian and communal policies of the Modi-led BJP-RSS central government. They also raised burning demands of the people.

Left Parties Statement

THE Left parties – Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation, Revolutionary Socialist Party and the All India Forward Bloc – have, in a statement issued on August 10, jointly appealed to the people to:1.

Lebanese Portents

THE tragic events unfolding in Lebanon are a portent of things to come for the entire third world. Lebanon, a small, highly import-dependent country, has been in the grip of an economic crisis for quite some time as the world recession has become more acute; and with the coronavirus crisis, Lebanon’s economy has been reduced to utterly dire straits.

Air Crash in Kozhikode: Haunting Issues

AIR India Express ‘Vande Bharat’ Flight IX 1134 evacuating stranded Indians from Dubai to India, tragically crashed in rainy conditions on August 7, 2020 evening at Calicut International Airport in Karipur near Kozhikode, Kerala. The Boeing 737 NG aircraft overshot what is termed a ‘tabletop’ runway, went through the airport boundary wall, tipped over the edge to drop over 35 feet, and broke into three pieces, two large and one smaller, with the front portion damaged the most and having most of the deaths.


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