Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Hailing LDF Victory in Kerala

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 16, 2020THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) congratulates and salutes the people of Kerala for giving the Left Democratic Front in Kerala a big victory in the local body elections.  The LDF has won a big majority in all three tiers of the panchayats.

A Resounding Victory in Kerala

THE Local Self-Governing Institutions (LSGI) elections in Kerala have resulted in a resounding victory for the Left Democratic Front.  The LDF has won 11 out of the 14 district panchayats; 108 of the 152 block panchayats; and 514 of the 941 grama panchayats.  The LDF has won five of the six corporations and 35 of the 86 municipalities.It is significant that the LDF has improved overall upon the success it registered in the 2015 elections, five years ago.

Massive Left Wave in Kerala Local Body Polls

A MASSIVE Left wave has engulfed Kerala's political scene as the CPIM-led Left Democratic Front has swept a major chunk of the seats in the recent local body elections. Dealing a massive blow to the INC-led UDF, LDF has conclusive leads in five city corporations out of six, 10 out of 14 district panchayats, 108 out of 152 block panchayats, 34 out of 86 municipalities, and 514 out of 941 grama panchayats in the state. The present LDF government was much appreciated for the citizen-friendly way in which the state tackled the coronavirus crisis.

Manusmriti – A Marxist Perspective Class, Caste and Gender-based Oppressions

THE concepts of freedom, democracy, and secular republic were widely accepted in India, based on which the Constitution was drafted. While implementing these, one can see feudal relations and Manusmriti as big obstacles.UNTOUCHABILITY - VIOLENCE                    Article 17 of the Constitution declares untouchability has been completely abolished by law. But what is the current situation?

A Long Struggle Ahead

THE big success of the Bharat bandh called by the farmers’ organisations on December 8 was a display of people’s support and sympathy for the cause of the farmers.The spontaneous response to the bandh call in many places and the support extended to it by a wide range of organisations and sections of the society – trade unions, traders’ organisations, transport associations, teachers, students and women’s organisations – all indicate the isolation of the Modi government on this issue.  It is also significant that almost all non-BJP opposition parties expressed support for the protest action.

CPI(M)’s Greetings on the 75th National Day of Vietnam

Below we publish the text of the greetings sent by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) to the Communist Party of Vietnam, on December 7, on the occasion of the 75th National Day of VietnamCENTRAL CommitteeCommunist Party of VietnamDear Comrades,On behalf of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) we greet the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and through it, the government of Vietnam on the occasion of the 75th National Day.

Agriculture and the Free Market

IN the context of the on-going country-wide kisan movement for repealing Modi’s three agriculture bills, while an overwhelming majority of commentators have stood with the position taken by the kisans, a few, though not necessarily agreeing with Modi, have raised the question: why shouldn’t agriculture operate within a free market?


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