Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

India Gasps for Breath – Gross Mismanagement Again!

THE whole country is reeling under the brutal second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, breaking world records for daily cases. The health infrastructure has collapsed and vital medical supplies such as oxygen are nearing exhaustion. With hospital beds and ICUs full, and no oxygen even leading to several tragic deaths, many hospitals have stopped admissions or have discharged patients. Thousands of people have been running from pillar to post for oxygen cylinders at least for use at home.

Tripura: On TTAADC Election outcome

TRIPURA Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council election was held on April 6, and counting of the election was held on April 10th.  Out of 28 seats, the newly emerged TIPRA (Tripura Indigenous Progressive Regional alliance) led by the grandson of the last king of the state, Pradyot Kishore Debbarman bagged 18 seats securing an absolute majority, ruling BJP won 9 and one independent supported by BJP won one seat.

Mouse Under the Throne: The Judicial Legacy of Sharad A. Bobde

As of this morning, Sharad Bobde is no longer be the Chief Justice of India.EVASION, hypocrisy and duplicity marked the 17 month tenure of the outgoing chief justice of India, with the central executive ending up favoured each time. On the date of his retirement, not one of the five constitutional matters pending had been substantively heard or decided.As on previous occasions when a CJI retires, I offer here an assessment of the legacy of the outgoing chief justice. In the case of chief justice, Bobde, this might seem a somewhat difficult task.

Kerala: Timely intervention and Planning made the State Oxygen Surplus

CHETAN Kumar, also known as Chetan Ahimsa, is a Kannada film actor, public intellectual, and political activist, has written on his Facebook page: “Amidst the horror of India's lack of oxygen, the state of Kerala is a shining model. Kerala learned from the Covid crisis; spent money on oxygen factories; increased oxygen supply by 58 per cent; now supplying oxygen to Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Goa. Kerala is a model state and a real role model. For those who ask ‘if not Modi, who?

Farmers at Delhi Borders Play Stellar Role in Helping People in Distress

IN the wake of the murderous second wave of the Covid pandemic, which has thoroughly exposed the all-around bankruptcy of the criminal Modi-Shah regime across the country and the world, the farmers at the Delhi borders are playing a stellar role in helping thousands of people in distress. This has put in sharp relief the remarkably sensitive and humanitarian aspects of the historic farmers’ struggle, which completed five months on April 26.

Ensure Oxygen, Free Vaccines

IN the background of the ravaging pandemic and stories of helplessness in getting vaccines, oxygen beds, medicines, Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the CPI(M) wrote a letter to the prime minister on April 24, 2021 demanding his immediate intervention.Below we present the text of the letter:I am writing to you in great pain, distress, and anguish. This unprecedented health and humanitarian crisis created by the second wave of Covid-19 is turning into a tsunami. The situation has been aggravated by the approach and attitude of the union government.

Dear Minister Harshvardhan, is there anyone you can thank now?

S VENKATESAN, Member of Parliament of CPI(M) from Madurai has written to the union health minister, Harsha Vardhan questioning the country’s preparedness to handle the surging demand for medical oxygen in the country. He cited the example of his work in his constituency,  how he worked alongwith the district administration to ensure enough supply in his district.He said, “last year, during the first wave of Covid-19, the country as a whole was facing an enormous crisis.

Revolutionary Cuba: Continuity and Change

THE spectacle of the whole world petrified by the Covid pandemic and of little Cuba confidently engaging with it has drawn the attention and admiration of humanity. Now Cuba is again in the news for the so-called ‘end’ of the ‘Çastro era,’ as the outcome of the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba. The change of guard in the Cuban Party from the revolutionary heroes of the Cuban struggle from 1953 to 59 to the new generation of communists is indeed historic.

Covid-19 Second Wave: An Unprecedented Crisis Inflicted by Govt Hubris, Mishandling

INDIA is reeling under a devastating second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, with thousands of people being thrown from pillar to post for hospital beds and supply of medical oxygen and life-saving medicines. The country’s daily infection tally and death toll have surpassed previous highs and are touching new peaks. SOS calls from patients, relatives and even hospitals for the supply of oxygen and essential medicines have fallen on deaf ears.

Comrade S P Kashyap

THE CPI(M) expresses its sorrow at the passing away of Comrade SP Kashyap due to Covid complications. He was a member of the state secretariat of the CPI(M), Uttar Pradesh and had earlier been the state secretary of the Party for several years. He was also a former member of the Central Committee of the CPI(M). Comrade Kashyap became a whole-timer of the party after his retirement from teaching.Comrade Kashyap was greatly respected as a Marxist intellectual and he was much sought after by all those who organised Hindi Party classes in different states and at the center.


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