Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

ASHA Workers’ and Facilitators’ Federation of India (AWFFI) Formed

AMIDST applause and slogans by ASHA workers from 17 states and union territories, the first ever federation of ASHA workers- the ASHA Workers and Facilitators Federation of India, (AWFFI) is formed after three days long deliberations and discussions from September 16-18, 2022, at Kurukshetra, Haryana. The conference gave a call for protest throughout the country on December 10, 2022, ‘world human rights day’, against the violation of the human rights of the ASHA workers by the BJP government.The all-India coordination committee of ASHA workers was formed in 2009, at the initiative of CITU.

TN: Seminar on ‘Save Constitution’ Held in Chennai

THE AILU Tamil Nadu state committee conducted a seminar on "Save Constitution" at Bar Council Meeting Hall in the high court premises in Chennai on September 17.Around 500 advocates participated in it.The seminar was addressed by H N Nagamohan Das, former judge of Karnataka High Court and S Peter Alphonse, ex-MP and chairman of the State Minorities Commission, Tamilnadu.N G R Prasad, state president of AILU, Tamil Nadu who presided over the seminar said that minorities are the worst sufferers in the present regime. The people of India have to be protected by the constitution.

Mamata Banerjee's Discoveries

MAMTA Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, has been making some new discoveries recently. First, she stated in a press conference that RSS was not that bad." Following this, she has made another discovery - she does not believe prime minster Narendra Modi is behind the misuse of central agencies such as the CBI and the enforcement directorate. Speaking in the legislative assembly, she said "You are possibly not aware that these agencies are no longer under the prime minister's office (PMO). They are now controlled by the union home ministry".

The Case on Ethical Code for Marketing Medicines

A TWO-JUDGE bench of the Supreme Court, on August 18 afternoon, issued an order on the legal code for the marketing of medicines.The Federation of Medical and sales Representatives’ Associations of India (FMRAI), had filed a petition in the court urging the government to enforce a legal code for marketing of medicines.The Indian media, however, has distorted facts and misreported the issue by selectively highlighting the issue of perks given to doctors to improve the sales of one product, Dolo-650, an antipyretic drug.Dolo-650, produced and marketed by Micro Labs,  contains 650 mg of parace

Aircraft Carrier Vikrant and Self-Reliance

INDIA’S first indigenously built aircraft carrier, named INS Vikrant and assigned the same ensign number R-11 as its illustrious predecessor, was commissioned and joined service with the Indian Navy on September 2, 2022 at a ceremony in Kochi in the presence of the prime minister and defence minister. Every Indian must of course be proud of this achievement which, with all the many hurdles it has overcome, has taken 17 long years for fruition, spanning the terms of many governments. The PM, however, appeared to take special credit, especially for the self-reliance embodied in Vikrant.

Towards the Foundation Conference of ASHA Workers Federation

THE crucial role played by around one million ASHA workers to maintain the public health system in our country became part of the mainstream discussions only during the deadly Covid-19 Pandemic. In 2022, the World Health Organisation announced the ‘Global Health Leader’ award to ASHA workers for their service to the nation during the pandemic.ASHA stands for Accredited Social Health Activist and there are nearly 10 lakhs of them, working under the NHM (National Health Mission).

The Huge Danger Associated with Privatising Banks

THERE are fundamental objections to the plan of the government to privatise at least some of the public sector banks. They centre around the fact that such a move will change the pattern of deployment of credit, away from productive activities towards speculation, away from peasant agriculture towards big business (with dangerous implications for peasant viability, food security and employment), and away from domestic to global destinations.

The Detritus of the War on Iraq

A WAVE of protests swept Iraq in 2019. The sit-downs and marches took place for reasons familiar to people who were protesting at that time in far-off Colombia and Indonesia. The people were frustrated by what appeared to be a permanent economic catastrophe for their budgets, the absolute failure of the administration to meet their needs, and the political sectarianism that blocked any progress out of the gridlock set in place due to the US invasion and occupation of 2003. The government used terrible force against the protestors, including the assassination of several movement leaders.

Telangana: Polluted Musi River Puts Lives at Stake

ONCE considered a lifeline, the Musi River in Telangana has now turned into a stream of toxic liquids and effluents. Starting in the Anantagiri hills in Vikarabad district, the Musi joins the Krishna River in Vadavalli in Nalgonda district. It fulfils the drinking water and irrigation needs of the people of Hyderabad, Rangareddy, and the united Nalgonda districts. Historically linked with the lives of the people of these districts, the river’s water was pristine clear even 40 years ago. But now, the water is toxic. Who is responsible for this? What is the responsibility of those in power?


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