Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

MAHARASHTRA: CPI(M) State Class Resolves to Prepare for Assembly Polls

A one-day state-level class was organised on June 23, 2019 in the Adarsh Vidyalaya, Mumbai, by the CPI(M) Maharashtra state committee. 307 leading comrades from 27 districts attended. They included state and district committee members of the Party, all Party and mass front whole-timers and state secretariat members of the six main mass fronts.The state class was preceded by meetings of the CPI(M) state secretariat and the state committee on June 21-22.

Withdraw UGC Circular

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on June 25THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) is deeply concerned at the effort by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to push Hindi as a compulsory subject in all under graduate courses all across India.This is strange in the background of the widespread protest in the country against the imposition of Hindi as part of the draft National Education Policy, 2019 which forced the government to beat a hasty retreat.

Motive behind Reduction of ESIC Contribution

THE press release of the government in the late evening of June 13, announcing reduction in the contribution for Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) scheme hit the pages of national press on June 14.The move appears to be good in that workers will be able to enjoy ESI benefits with a lower contribution as the medical and other benefits rendered by the ESI Corporation (ESIC) will continue to be the same. CITU and the Left trade unions vehemently opposed the role of the government. Sections of the media criticised them for taking such a critical view.

No Capitulation to US Pressure

Left Parties – CPI(M), CPI, CPI(ML)-Liberation, AIFB and RSP – have issued the following statement on June 20THE Left Parties express their firm opposition to the US agenda of arm twisting in the course of the visit of US Secretary of State.US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has announced his two day visit to India on June 25-26, 2019. The stated purpose of the visit is to push India to further open its economy, drop the trade barriers and sell US defence equipment to India.

Meanwhile in Tripura

AS we go to press, the state election commission of Tripura might declare the schedule for the election to the three tier panchayat bodies of the state. But the record of the last 15 months of the BJP-IPFT rule in the state puts a big question mark about whether the polls will be free and fair. The undemocratic manner of functioning of the state election commissioner too has added to the worry. The readers of this column are well aware how all the elections, including the election to the West Tripura Lok Sabha seat, post March 3, 2018 since the BJP-IPFT government assumed office have been r

Kerala Govt Wants to Operate Thiruvananthapuram Airport

THE NDA government has decided to privatise five airports at Lucknow, Jaipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Mangalore and Ahmadabad and decided to hand over these airports to Adani Group. Raising the issue in Rajya Sabha during Zero Hour on June 24, CPI(M) MP K K Ragesh said that LDF government in Kerala is willing to take over the Thiruvananthapuram airport. “It is regrettable that the state government is being considered on the same footing as the Adani Group,” in the auction, he said.

ILO Supports Political Right-wingers, Opposes Hike in Workers’ Wage in Venezuela

THE International Labour Organization (ILO) became a part of the Modi government-appointed so-called expert committee deciding on the methodology of calculation and fixing national minimum wage in India. In the process, it conveniently ignored all existing tripartite forums and existing laws, including a Supreme Court judgement. It is the 15TH Indian Labour Conference (ILC) which decided on the method of calculation of minimum wages, which the Supreme Court approved giving it a legal foundation.

Facebook’s Funny Money – or Facebucks – and Real Money

FACEBOOK’S proposed currency Libra – or as a wag put it, Facebucks – has created a storm. Libertarians see Libra, a variant of a cryptocurrency backed by Facebook’s big bucks and the bevy of companies that it has put together, bringing the day when cryptocurrencies will truly challenge all global currencies and fulfilling Hayek’s dream of The Denationalisation of Money.

President’s Address: One Dimensional View

THE president’s address to the joint session of parliament, the first after the Lok Sabha election, was expected to spell out the vision and priorities of the second Modi government.  But President Ram Nath Kovind’s speech was sparse in detail and more went unsaid than said. It is clear from the speech that the ruling party sees the “New India” as radically different from the India before 2014.  The RSS notion of a Hindu nationalist Bharat underpins their vision of a ‘New India’. The president refers to the mantra of ‘sab ka saath sab ka vikas’ relating to the previous term of the


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