Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

MAHARASHTRA: Dindori Lok Sabha Election Campaign of CPI(M) in Full Swing

THE election campaign of CPI(M) Central Committee member, former AIKS state president and one of the outstanding leaders of the two Kisan Long Marches, J P Gavit, MLA, for the Dindori (ST) Lok Sabha seat, is now in full swing. It began on April 4, 2019 with a massive 25,000-strong public meeting at Chandwad that was addressed by CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury (reported earlier in these columns).

WEST BENGAL: People Fight for Exercising Voting Right

THE fight to exercise the right to vote has assumed a new dimension in West Bengal. In the first phase, large number of booths were captured particularly in Cooch Behar. TMC armed gangs had chased away voters and opposition polling agents from the polling booths in many areas of the constituency. The token presence of central para military forces was of no use. In the second phase, in Raiganj, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, there was large scale resistance of the people. In Raiganj, for example, citizens formed human chain days before the polling demanding free and fair voting.

Unemployment, Poverty and the Modi Years

NUMEROUS agencies from the Labour Bureau of Shimla to the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy to Oxfam have been drawing attention to the grim unemployment situation in India at present. The government however not only continues to be in a denial mode, but has actually suppressed all official statistics that go against its claims. But like the proverbial thief hiding behind curtains whose shoes nonetheless are visible from outside, the government’s hiding behind suppressed statistics is of no avail; its own figures given in other places, like the thief’s shoes, reveal the truth.

Shocking BJP Manifesto – Full RSS Agenda but Nothing on Social justice, Jobs, Black money

THE ruling BJP released its manifesto for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections recently. Expectedly, it is full of praise for the Prime Minister Modi and his government. Also, it is bristling with wild promises, some repetitions of their 2014 pledges, some new ones.But there are two notable aspects of this document. One is the wholesale inclusion of the RSS inspired agenda.

Fighting Spirit of Peerless Employees

VARIOUS sections of people belonging to middle class, lower middle class and poor people, generally try to have savings from their income for the future needs of their children. In India, many financial institutions offer such facilities to the people to invest their savings. Peerless General Finance and Investment Company is a premier financial institution among such institutions. Employees play a key role in prompt repayment of maturity claims and in doing the needful services to the people.

SC Towards Transparency in Corporate Election Funding

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on April 12THE Polit Bureau notes positively the interim order passed by the Supreme Court on the electoral bond scheme initiated by the Modi government. The PB notes that the changes in the law which were rushed without a proper and comprehensive discussion in the parliament was aimed at removing the limits of corporate funding of political parties, particularly at the time of elections, while making it completely anonymous. The changes would have made the entire system prone to crony capitalism with a clear b

Meanwhile in Tripura

Deferred Polling Proves Abject LawlessnessTHE Election Commission of India, in the night of April 16th, deferred the polling for Tripura East ST reserved parliamentary constituency scheduled to be held on April 18, to April 23. This decision from the ECI was prompted, as the notification says, by the reports from the CEO, special police observer and the returning officer of the constituency.

May Day Manifesto, 2019

ON this May Day, the Day of International Solidarity of the Working Class, CITUExtends warm fraternal greetings to all working people across the worldStands in solidarity with their struggles to defend their hard won rights from the dogged onslaught of neoliberalism, particularly in the aftermath of the systemic global crisis of capitalism, which continues even after more than a decade.ON THIS MAY DAY, CITUCondemns in strongest terms the imperialist led interventions, sabotage activities, attacks and wars in Venezuela, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Afghani

PM Flagrantly Violates the MCC

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Nilotpal Basu,  has written to the chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India on April 16, regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks on Sabarimala temple, in his election rallies, aiming at communal polarisation. Referring to an instance of flagrant violation of the model code of conduct (MCC) by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, Basu pointed out that the atmosphere is being vitiated in the election campaign by importing polarising issues.


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