Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Gandhiji’s Values: Anathema for Hindutva Forces

HAD Gandhiji been alive today, he would have sat on an indefinite hunger strike against the mob lynchings of innocent people accused of cow slaughter. Because for him, even a single act of violence against an innocent man was an anathema.As we observe the 150th birth anniversary of the 'Mahatma', it is necessary to recall why he became a great soul for the crores of Indians and for many people around the world.Gandhiji was truly a world historical figure of the twentieth century.

LEFT PARTIES NATIONAL CONVENTION: All India Protest against Deepening Economic Crisis & Growing People’s Miseries

This Conventionnotes with deep anguish thatthe Indian economy is in the grip of an extremely serious crisis bordering on a recession. All evidence, including the doctored official data, confirms that in almost all sectors of the economy, there is a collapse of demand leading to big cuts in production and an unprecedented mounting job losses, women being the worst victims.

Rising Unemployment and the Urban Employment Guarantee

UNEMPLOYMENT in the cities is rising acutely since demonetisation was implemented in the country by Narendra Modi on September 9, 2016. The voices of the unemployed could not be heard at that time since most of the people who had to lose their jobs were from the unorganised sector. The informal sector comprises 93 per cent of the city jobs, the figure two decades ago was nearly 75 per cent. This figure explains the humongous loss done to the job security in the cities. The informal sector workers were the hardest hit because of demonetisation.

The Opposite of What Was Needed

THE reduction in the corporate tax rate by the BJP government, which would entail a transfer of Rs 1.45 lakh crores from the public exchequer to the corporate sector, has been generally seen to be insufficient for overcoming the slowdown in the Indian economy. This is not just an understatement; it is actually erroneous. This measure is the very opposite of what was needed for overcoming the slowdown.

Rakhigarhi Skeleton DNA: Indus Valley People were not Rig-Vedic Aryans

TWO recent studies on ancient DNA and migrations into South Asia appeared at the same time in two of the most prestigious journals of their disciplines, one in Science, and one in Cell. Both share a number of common authors and have used Harvard’s genetics laboratory resources. Each of the papers are important in their own right. The Science paper reports ancient DNA from 523 samples from a number of sites in Iran, Central Asia and Anatolia, and comparing it to the current population in the region and in south Asia.

Rajasthan: Successful Mass Movement Against Attack on Girl Students

After a prolonged persistent struggle initially by the students of Sikar college in Rajasthan, and then led by the CPI(M) against the brutal cane charge on girl students; the demands of the struggle were eventually met by forcing the state government to transfer the district magistrate and the police chief. The agitation continued for over 24 days from August 28 when the students were attacked by the police.HOW IT ALL STARTEDOn August 28, counting for the student’s council elections was going on.

TRIPURA: Police Permission for Dalit Rally Withdrawn at Last Minute

IN an unprecedented move, Tripura Police in Agartala had suddenly stopped a march convened by the Tripura Tapasili Jati Samanway Samiti (TTJSS) as part of an all-India protest call. A convention was organised on September 1 as part of it and the police permission was sought much in advance. But initially, they denied permission on the grounds that the date coincided with the day of by-election to the Badharghat assembly constituency. Then it was rescheduled for September 25.

On Party Election Accounts

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on September 24, 2019REPORTS have appeared in a section of the media regarding the election funding and expenditure of the CPI(M). This is nothing but disinformation designed to discredit the Party. Contrary to the allegation, all donations and funds received during the period of the Lok Sabha elections have been reflected in the statement of election accounts submitted to the Election Commission of India. This includes donations and contributions received from all over the country including Tamil Nadu.

Polit Bureau Communique

THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) which met in New Delhi on September 18 & 19 has issued the following statement. MOUNTING ATTACKS ON INDIA’S CONSTITUTIONAL ORDERThis Modi-II government has been mounting multiple attacks on the constitutional order of the Indian Republic. Apart from the manner in which Jammu & Kashmir was deprived of its statehood, the consequent implications constitute a serious attack on India’s constitutional guarantees.


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