Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Aravukadu Declaration: A Milestone in Kerala’s History

AFTER fifty years, on a rain-drenched day, the Aravukadu temple ground turned red again – in the memory of the legendary declaration that made people, who had no place to live, the owners of the land on which they toiled turning their blood into sweat for generations.CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury inaugurated the 50th memorial function of the legendary Aravukadu temple ground declaration by AK Gopalan that whether the president gives his approval or not, “we will claim our rights for the land.The fiftieth anniversary of the declaration, which altered the social structure of Kerala

Industrial Relations Code is for Capital to Maximise Profits

THE Industrial Relations Code, 2019 has been introduced in Lok Sabha in the ongoing session. It seeks to replace three important labour laws – the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; the Trade Unions Act, 1926; and the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946. The BJP government, in its first tenure itself, mooted this bill, and uploaded it on the labour ministry’s website, in April 2015. The draft was then circulated among the central trade unions in October.

Britain: Ambivalent Labour lost the elections

IN the General Elections held on December 12 in Britain, ruling Tory party has increased its vote share and secured a huge majority. Out of 650, the Tories under Boris Johnson have won 364 seats providing them with a 78 majority, compared to the Labour Party reduced to 203 MP’s in the House of Commons (Lower House).How or why it happened, after the opposition itself agreed to an early election?

New Data Protection Bill: From Protecting our Data to Creating a Surveillance State

THE government has come out with a Draft Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 which differs significantly from its earlier version drafted by Justice BN Sri Krishna in 2018. Justice Sri Krishna has called these changes as dangerous and with potential for creating a surveillance state. In another major change from the original Sri Krishna draft, the Data Protection Authority of India has been made entirely subservient to the government.

Country Rises in Protest against Citizenship Amendment Act

KeralaHuman Chain against CAA on Republic DayN S SajithTHE Left Democratic Front(LDF) will organise a human chain on January 26, 2020 in Kerala, on the 70th Republic Day of India, as part of the continuing protests against the draconian Citizenship Amendment Act(CAA). This was announced by A Vijayraghwan, convenor of LDF in Thiruvananthapuram on October 16 while deliberating on the decisions of the LDF meeting.All persons who oppose the divisive agenda of Modi government can be a part of the human chain.

BJP False Campaign Exposed

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 18, 2019THE BJP, in order to defend the indefensible Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), is accusing the CPI(M) and the Communists, in general, of doublespeak on the question of giving citizenship to Bengali refugees from East Pakistan and later Bangladesh.

Rising Opposition to CAA

THE latest assault on secularism and the constitution in the form of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is meeting with strong opposition all over the country.  The entire Northeast, with Assam in the forefront, has erupted with mass protests.  Five young men were killed in police firing, curfew was imposed and internet shutdown.  But this has not prevented continuing protests by the people from all walks of life.

CAB: A Nefarious Design

THE Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (CAB) has been passed by parliament despite strong opposition to it both within and outside parliament.  The CAB is a dangerous legislation which runs contrary to the basic principles of the constitution. The provisions of the bill undermine the secular concept of citizenship enshrined in the constitution.  Article 14 states that the State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or equal protection of the law within the territory of India.

Ghastly Fire in Delhi

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 8, 2019THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its deep shock and anguish over the ghastly fire in a luggage factory in Anaj Mandi, North Delhi that claimed 43 lives and  scores of others are being treated for acute burns in various hospitals.All those who lost their lives are workers who were sleeping in the factory premises and were unable to escape the fire.  The cause of the fire must be established and those responsible for fire safety lapses must be brought to book.  Strict adherence of fire


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