American Imperialism's Toxic Legacy: Vietnam's Endless War

THE Vietnam War was from 1955 to 1975. But it is an unacknowledged and unrepented catastrophic chapter in history. It left upon the human and environment worlds a deep scar. This was not just any other war – but like many wars – it was a constant and merciless imperialistic attack against a country, its people, and their world. Its sheer extent of destruction and pain cannot be paralleled and resonates through decades.

American Imperialism's Toxic Legacy: Vietnam's Endless War

THE Vietnam War was from 1955 to 1975. But it is an unacknowledged and unrepented catastrophic chapter in history. It left upon the human and environment worlds a deep scar. This was not just any other war – but like many wars – it was a constant and merciless imperialistic attack against a country, its people, and their world. Its sheer extent of destruction and pain cannot be paralleled and resonates through decades.

Global Capitalism: Worshipping at the Altar of Profits Even If It Means Our Destruction

THE COP29 ended with not even a whimper. After the declaration of COP28 to end the fossil fuel era, and the rich countries promise to provide funds for those facing the dual threat of climate change and poverty, in COP29 they reneged on all those promises. They not only made no commitments to phasing out their own fossil fuel use – particularly natural gas and oil but committed a measly $300 billion yearly as a core target through commercial and other flows against the $1.3 trillion that the developing countries were asking; that too by 2035.

UN Global Plastics Treaty talks Fail

A fast track effort underway since 2022 aiming to forge a global Treaty to control plastic pollution by regulating all aspects of the life cycle failed at the fifth, and hoped for last, UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Meeting (INC-5) held in Busan, South Korea, on 25 November – 1 December 2024 under the aegis of the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP).

Baku COP Flop!

THE climate summit COP29 at Baku, Azerbaijan, once again demonstrated the dominance of global capitalism led by the US over the international negotiations process under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG), especially carbon dioxide, emissions and bring under control resultant climate changes. These are already posing large-scale threats to people and ecosystems and are now on the brink of possibly irreversible changes and even greater dangers ahead.

India’s Shambolic Fighter Jet Procurement

WHAT can you possibly call it when history repeats itself many times over, way beyond tragedy and farce? That old horror story, India’s efforts at “urgent” procurement of fighter aircraft to make up for depleting of fleet strength, is set to start all over again. Authoritative sources have been telling various media outlets that the government will “soon” issue a Request for Proposal (RfP), in other words a tender, for 114 Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) valued at an estimated $20 billion (INR 1 lakh forty thousand crore) to be manufactured in India.

COP 29: The Greed of the Rich Versus the Need of the People in This Climate Crisis

COP 29, the UN Climate Change Conference, started on November 11 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and is slated to finish on the 22nd. It is taking place under the shadow of significant temperature rises this summer across the globe, and the clear warning of what it means for us. It is also taking place at a time in which the US has elected a president, Donald Trump, who, among other things, is also a climate change denier and unlikely to accept any global consensus in COP 29.Global warming, even for the countries in the freezing north, is no longer in the realm of scientific debates.

Will AI Take Over the World and All Our Jobs?

MANY of us have used AI tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E and Mid Journey and have been blown away by what those tools can do. Interacting with ChatGPT feels like talking to a real person who can answer almost any question we can think of, explain complex topics in simple words, summarise articles and even write poetry, Shakespeare-like prose, essays and homework assignments. DALL-E and Mid Journey are capable of producing spectacular images from text prompts making artists out of people with no artistic skills.

Remembering Lenin: Electricity, Logic and Science

THIS year is Comrade Lenin's death centenary year. For those who are socialists and communists, the Soviet Union was the hope of founding a new society in which the working people, and not the capitalist or the feudal classes, would own the means of production. For many, the Soviet Union gave hope for a different social order and the possibility of national liberation from the clutches of the colonial rulers.
