
Wither Achhe Din Aanewale Hain?

AS we go to press, floods have, once again, begun their cruel devastation in the Kashmir valley. Soon its impact will be felt in the state of Jammu & Kashmir and neighbouring areas. J&K is yet to recover from the earlier devastation. The promised relief and rehabilitation has not yet even begun to reach the people in many parts of the state, particularly in the Kashmir valley.


THE Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels launched Hitler’s fascistic propaganda blitz advancing a famous dictum which went as follows: If you tell a big enough lie, frequently enough, it becomes the truth. Over the past few decades, it appeared that the RSS/BJP had mastered this technique.  A number of instances can be listed.  Take one, for instance: the entire propaganda leading to the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the campaign for the construction of a temple at that very place was orchestrated around an assertion that this exact place was where Rama was born.  Any historical ev

Spreading Communal Poison

THE communal poison being spread by the various tentacles of the RSS are leading to an increase in the physical attacks against places of worship belonging to religious minorities. The whipping up of such communal intolerance is creating an atmosphere permitting horrendous physical attacks against practitioners of minority religions in the country. This is in direct contrast and contradiction with the fundamental rights provided by the Indian constitution to the religious minorities in the secular democratic republic of India.

PM Modi’s Anti-Communist Tirade: Fabrication of Facts

THE annual address by the president of India to a joint session of the parliament is always a balance sheet of the past year’s work of the government and a roadmap of its proposals for the next one year. This speech is both prepared and endorsed by the union cabinet and subsequently delivered by the president.  In both the houses of the parliament, a motion of thanks is moved by the ruling party expressing gratitude to the president for having delivered his/her speech.

J&K Government: Opportunist Alliance

THE PDP-BJP coalition government in Jammu & Kashmir headed by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed has finally assumed office. This was preceded by two months of intense negotiations between the two parties. While Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is the chief minister, Nirmal Singh of the BJP has become the deputy chief minister. This is the first time that the BJP has become part of the state government in Jammu & Kashmir. This has disturbing implications.

Attempt to Circumvent Parliamentary Democracy

THE budget session of the parliament, the session in which the Modi government will present its full-fledged budget substantiating its aggressive advocacy of the neo-liberal economic reform trajectory, began this week.  The session began with the Modi government appearing to brazen out the reality of the Delhi assembly election result – a result which shows that this Modi government is, perhaps, seeing the growing of an anti-incumbency sentiment in probably the shortest period of time after assuming the reins of government by any party at the centre.  Within nine months of forming the gover

New Series for Economic Data: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

SO goes an old English saying. Statistics are prone to manipulation by the powers that be. Such manipulation is often used to portray a normally bad economic situation, particularly those aspects that concern the livelihood health of our people, in a rosy light. The recent change in the base year, the point of reference to measure changes in economic parameters, to calculate India’s GDP and other indicators is a case in point.


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