Working Class Issues

HARYANA: ASHA Workers Struggle a Big Success

SIXTEEN days of agitation and strike has forced the state government of Haryana to hold talks with the leadership of ASHA workers and CITU on February 1 and concede the workers demands.  The next day, that is on February 2, victory processions were taken out in all twenty one district head quarters by nearly 20,000 ASHA workers to celebrate their huge victory.As we all know National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)  was launched by the UPA-1 government in 2005 to provide some relief in the government provided health services in the rural sector.  This was the time when the Left parties were supp

Vehicle Strike in Kerala Total

THE vehicle strike in Kerala on January 24, 2018 from dawn to desk organised by Kerala Transport Industry Protection Council comprising CITU, AITUC, INTUC, HMS, STU, Janata Dal Trade Union Centre, TUCI, KTUC and owners associations against abnormal increase in prices of petrol and diesel due to the wrong policies of the Modi government, was total and successful. The workers of auto, taxi, private bus, KSRTC bus, lorry, driving school, automobile workshops, spare parts distributors, etc along with the owners of vehicles participated in the strike.

BAWANA FACTORY FIRE: Punish guilty, Compensate Victims & Take Measures to Ensure Safety at Work: CITU

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on January 21, has expressed shock and grief at the incident of fire in a plastic factory in Bawana industrial area in North Delhi, on January 20, where 17 workers were charred to death.  Many more workers got burn injuries and are under treatment. It is feared that the death toll may increase further.

SCHEME WORKERS ALL INDIA STRIKE: A Strike to Defend the Basic Rights of People

IT was a historic day for the trade union movement of the country on many counts, when nearly sixty lakh scheme workers almost 90 per cent of whom are women, went on strike on January 17, 2018. This is for the first time that the joint platform of central trade unions has given a call for strike for a particular sector of workers.More than one crore workers are working under various government schemes which render basic services like nutrition, health, education and care to the working people of the country.

Govt Proposes Replacing Permanent Employment With ‘Fixed Term Employment’; CITU Opposes

THE BJP government at the Centre has planned ‘employment generation’ by replacing each permanent employment by a number of fixed term employments in all sectors of industries and services. Consider this, a permanent employee remaining 30 years in service till retirement may be replaced by six or more fixed term employees each for every five years or less.

Tamil Nadu: Public Transport Workers on War Path

THE public transport workers numbering about 1,50,000 working in Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporations (TNSTC) across the state are on war path since January 4 in protest against the adamant attitude of the state government in meeting their genuine demands, which are as follows:1)    To make the pay and allowance equal to the drivers of the state government and other local bodies in the state.

CITU Denounces Govt’s Move on Limitless FDI in Air-India & Retail Trade

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on January 11, has denounced the government’s announcement of allowing 49 per cent FDI in the country’s national carrier – Air India. Modi government had already decided to push Air India for wholesale privatisation. And to expedite such move for privatization, the government has now made this announcement of permitting 49 per cent FDI.

National Convention of Bank Women

THE third national convention of women employed in the banking sector was organised by the Bank Employees Federation of India (BEFI) in Chennai on December 17. The convention gave a call to defend the public sector, protect national unity and fight for gender equality.Inaugurating the convention, AIDWA general secretary Mariam Dhawale said even after 70 years of Independence, people are struggling for their basic needs and a demand prioritised in this women’s conference report is for a separate toilet for women employees in bank branches.

TAMIL NADU: IT Employees Union Fights Illegal Retrenchment

“The bouncers pushed me back into my chair and held me by my shoulders till I signed the document. It was an awful experience and I can't begin to tell you how demeaning it was. It was not like I was on the bench. I was performing and they treated me in this terrible manner”, states an employee of VDSI who signed on the dotted line.VDSI (Verizon Data Services India) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US-based Verizon Communications Inc having its operations in India for so many years, employing thousands of young engineers.


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