
Terror Campaign in West Bengal: 34 per cent Seats Captured ‘Uncontested’

IN West Bengal, panchayat elections have been reduced to a farce as 34 per cent seats in three tiers have been captured by the TMC ‘uncontested’. There is no example of such an unashamed exercise of terrorisation either in West Bengal or in the country.The first phase of organised attack occurred during the nomination period, when BDO and SDO offices were cordoned by the TMC armed gangs who chased away opposition candidates, injuring hundreds in the process.

Mamata Banerjee Wants ‘100%’ seats: Democracy Butchered in West Bengal

WEST Bengal witnessed brutal operation for murder of democracy, never seen after the dark days of seventies.Panchayat elections in West Bengal have utterly exposed the anti-democratic character of  the TMC government. Opposition parties were debarred from submitting nominations in thousands of seats, intending candidates were attacked in large scale particularly outside block and sub-divisional offices. Kolkata High Court intervened and stayed the election process, directed State Election Commission to declare an extra date for submission of nomination.

CPI(M) FACT-FINDING TEAM REPORT: Organised Violence against Dalits in MP

SEVERAL dalit and progressive organisations called a Bharat Bandh on April 2 against the Supreme Court order diluting the provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. The dilution of the Act, which guarantees a certain degree of protection to the oppressed communities against discrimination and atrocities, was met with widespread condemnation. The unprecedented upsurge of protests across the country witnessed violence, in which 12 people, predominantly from dalit community, were killed.

DELHI: DSMM Observes Ambedkar Jayanti

THE Delhi state committee of the Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch (DSMM), had organised a stall near RBI on Parliament Street in Delhi on April 14, to mark the 127th birth anniversary of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat inaugurated the stall by garlanding Ambedkar’s photograph. She also addressed the gathering and said that Baba Saheb gave his entire life to the struggle against the varna system and caste system prevalent in the Indian society. Dr Ambedkar’s goal in life was to create an equal society free of injustice and oppression.

Terror Campaign in West Bengal Resistance Building up at Grassroots

THE process of this year’s panchayat elections in West Bengal has exposed unashamed terror-based, lumpenised political-administrative structure in Mamata Banerjee regime.As the process of nominations began, TMC terror machine became active. Earlier it was booth capturing; this year it began with administrative office capturing. Block and sub divisional offices were cordoned off and opposition candidates were barred from submitting nominations.

March to Save Vizag Steel Plant

THE Steel Plant Employees’ Union, Visakhapatnam (CITU) gave a clarion call to the permanent and contract employees of the state-owned Vizag Steel Plant for a 26-km rally on April 5. More than 4,000 workers started the march at 5 AM from the steel plant main gate and reached Vizag city central park at 12 noon, with massive response and solidarity from the public, fraternal trade unions and several mass organisations at 22 different points.

Electoral Setback in Tripura and its Causes

THE outcome of the recently held Tripura legislative assembly elections was utterly disappointing. Left and progressive people, not just in Tripura but all over India, could not believe that the Left Front would be defeated in this election. The Tripura state committee of CPI(M) in its initial reaction said that election results were totally unexpected.The reasons behind this observation by the Party are discussed below.

MAHARASHTRA: Kisan Long March: A Remarkable Struggle

IT was truly an amazing struggle, the like of which has not been seen in Maharashtra in recent times. It caught the imagination of the peasantry and the people, and received their unstinted support, not only in the state but all over the country. It received the backing of parties and organisations all across the political spectrum. For the week from March 6-12 that the Long March of nearly 200 Km lasted, it became the centre of attraction for the entire national and state media, both print and electronic, and also the social media.


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