
Kerala: Solidarity with NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceUNDER the Modi government, media freedom in India has come under serious threat, with journalists trolled, harassed, and even arrested for doing their jobs. India’s ranking on the World Press Freedom Index has been consistently falling since the Modi government came into power in 2014.

Red Salute to Comrade Anarul Islam

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceTHE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) issued a statement on February 14, saluting the martyrdom of Comrade Anarul Islam who was brutally killed by the West Bengal police during his participation in the SKM-CTU joint mobilisation and civil-disobedience action held peacefully on February 13, 2024, in Domkal, Murshidabad district, West Bengal.

TN: Platform for People's Unity Holds Mini Marathon

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceA MINI marathon was organised by the Salem district unit of Tamil Nadu Platform for People's Unity on January 28, at Salem town’s Gandhi playground, to promote unity and communal harmony.                      Thousands of youth, boys and girls, enthusiastically participated in the mini marathon that started in the morning at 7:30 am.The team that organised the marathon conducted an extensive outreach programme in the city's schools and

Maha: Save Education, Give Jobs: SFI-DYFI

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceTHE Maharashtra state committees of the SFI and DYFI organised an impressive statewide rally and public meeting of students and youth at the Azad Maidan in Mumbai on January 31, 2024. The last statewide rally of the SFI-DYFI was held six years ago in 2018.

CPI(M) Stand on One Nation, One Election

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentence A THREE-member CPI(M) delegation consisting of Sitaram Yechury, general secretary, Nilotpal Basu, Polit Bureau member and Muralidharan, Central Secretariat member met the High Level Committee – One Nation, One Election, at their invitation, on February 6, 2024. This was subsequent to the detailed submission made by the Party voicing its serious objections to the proposal to conduct simultaneous elections.

Maha: Lenin Death Centenary Commemorated

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceAT a time when the RSS-BJP was inciting communal polarisation all over the country on the issue of the inauguration of the Ram temple at Ayodhya on and around January 22, 2024, the CPI(M) was mobilising all over the country on and around January 21 to commemorate the death centenary of the outstanding revolutionary leader and great Marxist theoretician Vladimir Lenin.

TN: Platform for People's Unity Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

THE Tamil Nadu Platform for People's Unity organised a seminar on Palestine and Kashmir issues in North Chennai on January 10, at Vani Mahal near Jeeva Park Tondiarpet. Mohammed Yousuf Tarigami, convenor of the People's Alliance for Gupkar Declaration in Jammu and Kashmir, was the main speaker. S Kumar, coordinator of Chennai Makkal Medai, chaired the event, and Saravana Tamilan extended a warm welcome.


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