
ASSAM: Massive Peasant Convention at Guwahati

LIKE the entire country Assam also has been witnessing unprecedented agrarian distress due to the anti-peasant neo-liberal economic policies pursued by BJP-led governments both at the centre and the state. The woes of the peasantry in Assam have all the more aggravated by the problem of devastating floodS and erosion that visits the state annually in several phases; the utter lack of irrigation facilities in the state; the non-possession of land pattas by overwhelming majority of the peasantry and the large scale eviction drive undertaken by the state government.

MAHARASHTRA: Whole-Timers State Workshop Held

AS part of the implementation of the state organisational plenum decisions, the CPI(M) Maharashtra state committee organised a state level workshop for Party whole-timers at Solapur on August 19-20, 2017. It had organised a state Party class in Mumbai in June and seven regional Party classes are due in September and October. Some important decisions about the state Party weekly ‘Jeewan Marg’ have led to a doubling of its circulation from July. From November 15 to December 15, a statewide call has been given to collect one crore rupees as whole-timers fund.

SFI-TSU sweeps in Tripura college council elections

THE SFI-TSU combine registered a splendid victory defeating the RSS-affiliated ABVP in all the 22 general degree colleges in Tripura, where students council elections were held on September 12. Out of a total 393 office-bearers and 385 class representative seats, the SFI-TSU won 385 and 366 seats respectively. In all, the SFI-TSU (Students Federation of India and Tribal Students Union) combine won 751 (96.53 per cent) seats.

KARNATAKA: Thousands of ‘Gauri’s March in Defiance

EXACTLY a week after assassination of Gauri Lankesh, thousands of ‘Gauri’s marched in Bangalore in defiance. The colourful march with thousands shouting “I am Gauri” from Railway Station to Central College, and the resistance convention held, reflected the raging anger against the murder of public intellectuals to suppress dissenting voices and freedom of expression. It also reflected the defiance by a rainbow coalition of forces representing journalists, writers, artists, students, social activists, thinkers, social movements, and political parties.

Massive Protest in West Bengal: District Headquarters Seized for Hours despite Police Attack

THOUSANDS of people joined in massive protest demonstrations at district headquarters in West Bengal on September 11, at the call of the Left Front. The protest took a militant turn and the protestors battled with police in many districts. The demands of the protest included remunerative price for the peasants, digital ration cards for all, equal pay for equal work, opening of closed factories etc.

Kulgam Moving Ahead despite Odds

THE CPI(M) has been staunchly defending the people’s rights in Kashmir Valley -- combating the designs of secessionist elements and fighting the police and military excesses. Though a small political player in Jammu and Kashmir, with just one MLA, the party has suffered immensely at the hand of terrorists. Nearly 50 comrades have lost their lives, but not one from the BJP, the party that sings the rhetoric of nationalism.

TAMIL NADU: Widespread Protests against the Central & State Governments

THE political situation in Tamil Nadu is currently characterised by massive protests against the central and state governments on a number of issues facing the people including the agrarian crisis, economic stagnation following demonetisation and GST introduction and the question of exempting the state from the NEET process. There have also been militant working class struggles, with an indefinite strike of more than a million government employees and teachers at all levels slated to commence on September 7.


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