
Left Parties Protest for Special Status for AP

B V Raghavulu addressing the Left Parties and mass organisations dharna at the Parliament Street in New Delhi demanding Special Category Status for Andhra Pradesh.Left Parties held a two-day on March 6-7.  They demanded that the union government grant Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh and fulfill the promises made in the AP Re-organisation Act. Later, when the protestors tried to conduct a rally to the ministry of home affairs, police arrested them. They were released later.  

TELANGANA: Is Power Only Meant for Those Who Enjoy Reservation on Property?

THE people charmed by Manu are concerned about miracles but are not bothered by the sufferings of people. Rulers who talk about yagnas, pushkaras and holy places are not worried about the people who toil day and night to fill their stomachs. They will not talk about caste discrimination, caste domination or equity and justice. Those who have been enjoying reservation on property for generations together, will naturally be influenced by Manuvad and not by humanitarian concerns.

NATIONAL CONVENTION: Fight Back the Retrograde MV Act Amendment Bill

A NATIONAL Convention on Motor Vehicles Act Amendment Bill was held on February 15 at Mavlankar Hall in New Delhi. It was organised by the Co-ordination Committee of Road Transport Workers Organisations and other stakeholders. The organisations associated to the AITUC, CITU, INTUC, HMS, LPF, UTUC and AICCTU have jointly organised the convention.K Hari Prasad, Member of Parliament and member of the Select Committee on MV Act Amendment Bill addressed the convention as the chief guest.

DELHI: CPI(M) Holds Demonstration on Burning Issues of People

THE Delhi state committee of the CPI(M) held a demonstration in front of the Delhi Secretariat on the burning issues of the working people of the state, on February 22. Thousands of workers and activists participated in huge numbers demanding implementation of universal public distribution system in Delhi in its true letter and spirit. While protesters were moving towards the secretariat, police blocked them near the Express building. A protest meeting was held there.CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat and KM Tiwari, Delhi state secretary of CPI(M) addressed the demonstration.

WEST BENGAL: A Week of Militant Protests

WEST Bengal has witnessed a week of militant protests, resulting in street battles with police, attacks on protestors, police brutality, but above all resistance from students, youth, women and workers.On February 15, the SFI marched in Kolkata demanding elected students’ unions. The state government has proposed nominated students’ councils in colleges and universities, robbing the democratic rights of students to elect their representatives. This decision has in fact started the process of de-unionisation.

J&K: Supporting Murderers of Kathua Girl, Shameful: CPI(M)

CPI(M) senior leader and MLA Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, on February 18, has termed the rally organised by a fringe right-wing group using the tricolour, demanding the release of the accused in the brutal rape-and-murder case of an eight-year-old Bakerwal girl in Kathua district, as most shameful and against human values.The rally is an indication of dangers confronting Jammu and Kashmir. By supporting the accused the ‘Hindu Ekta Manch’ has shamelessly displayed their communal intentions.

Thrissur All-Set to Hold CPI(M) Kerala State Conference

THRISSUR, the cultural capital of Kerala is all-set to host the state conference of the CPI(M). The delegate session will be attended by 566 delegates (475 elected delegates, 87 state committee members, 4 state committee invitees) and 16 observers representing the Party units across all 14 districts. 31,700 branch conferences, 2,093 local committee conferences, 206 area conferences and 14 district conferences had been held according to schedule.

CPI(M) Assam State Conference Calls for Building up Left-Democratic Alternative

THE three-day 22nd Assam state conference of the CPI(M) concluded at Silpagram in Guwahati on February 6, with a clarion call to intensify the struggle against neo-liberal economic policies and the politics of communal divide being pursued by the present ruling dispensation both at the centre and in the state, and to build up a Left-democratic alternative. The conference started with a huge public rally on February 4 at Sonaram H S School ground. More than 15,000 people belonging to different religious, linguistic and ethnic groups attended the rally.

CPI(M) Andhra Pradesh State Conference

CPI(M) Andhra Pradesh State Conference THE 25th state conference of the CPI(M) Andhra Pradesh state committee was held in Bhimavaram from February 10-12, 2018 in a spirited manner.Before the inaugural session of the conference, Party senior leader and former MLA, Rudraraju Satyanarayana Raju hoisted the Red flag in Simhadri Siva Reddy hall at Parsa Satyanarayana Nagar (conference venue) and all the delegates, observers paid homage to the martyrs.While delivering the presidential address on behalf of the reception committee, Party senior leader R Satyanarayana Raju reminded


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