
New Attempts to Attack Forest Rights Act

Five tribal organizations –  Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch, Campaign for Survival and Dignity, Bharat Ekta Andolan, Jindagi Bachao Abhiyan and the All India Forum of Forest Movements have jointly submitted the following memorandum to Arjun Munda, minister for tribal affairs on September 11, regarding the new attempt to attack the Forest Rights Act in the Supreme Court.ON September 12, the Supreme Court is scheduled to once again hear the ongoing case against the Forest Rights Act. We wish to draw to your attention to three fresh applications petitioners in this case have filed be

Tamil Nadu: Religious Harmony Conference

 “THE Tamil Nadu Platform for People’s Unity”, an anti-communal platform formed in the state organised a religious harmony conference on September 1, at Kamaraj Arangam, Chennai.The idea behind the conference was to create and environment of communal harmony in the state by engaging with eminent persons of high secular credentials.Saththiyavel Muruganar, a prominent Saivaite leader, Balaprajapathy Adigalar, leader of the Vaikundar Swamigal Peravai, Sivaparakasa Swamigal, Vallalar Peravai and Madhavan Ramanuja Dasar from Vaishnavaite faith, Harbinder Singh, Sikh leader, Madhan Prakash Rathod

Kerala: CBI to Investigate Titanium Graft Case

In a major jolt to the UDF in Kerala, the state government has recommended a CBI enquiry into the Titanium scam case, which involved former chief minister, Oommen Chandy, opposition leader Ramesh Chenninthala and former minister, V K Ibrahim Kunju. The case is being investigated in connection with the establishment of pollution control system in the Travancore Titanium Products Limited, in 2004-2005 when Oommen Chandy was the chief minister and Ibrahim Kunju was the minister for industries.

AP: CITU Opposes Closure of Chittivalasa Jute Mill

THE CITU was successful in getting a stay order from the AP High Court against the closure of Chittivalasa Jute Mill. Interestingly, the memorandum of understanding for closure of the mill was arrived between the management of the mill and four workers union, viz., INTUC, AITUC, TNTUC and YSRTUC. The CITU had opposed this agreement and had promised to continue with the struggle.

Modi’s Labour Law Changes Will Increase Exploitation of Workers

IT is ironic that as India prepares for the 100th anniversary of the trade union movement in the country next year, the ruling BJP government led by Narendra Modi has pushed through key changes in labour laws that will effectively push down wages, increase working hours and dilute the enforcement machinery. The Code on Wages was passed by the Lok Sabha on July 30, 2019 and it will now have to go to Rajya Sabha for approval before it becomes law. Meanwhile the Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions has been tabled in the Lok Sabha.

Kashmir on the Verge of Faqakashi

IQBAL Ahmad, resident of Anantnag had tears rolling down his eyes as his wife called him from a local police station in Anantnag after three days of jostling. This is how; apparently all over Kashmir valley; the people are forced to queue up at the police stations to call their relatives in mainland India; in Srinagar city just 300 landlines are made functional, it’s ridiculous! Iqbal, along with two other elected panchayat representatives, who are from the Bakarwal tribal community had come to tell their woes to the leaders of the political parties in New Delhi.

AP: ASHA Workers Demand Release of Pending Wages

THOUSANDS of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA workers) staged a sit-in dharna at Vijayawada on August 26 demanding release of their wages that are pending for the last eight months. They also opposed the grading system introduced recently by the government intending to harass them and is a threat to their job security. Police detained many ASHA workers in their respective districts from 25th itself. Family members of ASHAs also were taken into custody at some places.


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