
Corporatisation of Peasant Agriculture: Freedom for Agro-Business, Slavery for Peasantry

‘It is a historic day today for agriculture. The country gained freedom in 1947, but farmers are getting freedom through this ordinance,” union agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar said during a press conference on June 3. This is the manner how the RSS led syndicate used to rollout their propaganda.

Open Source Covid Movement: Non-Capitalist Alternative to Control Pandemic

AT a recent press conference, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan made an important announcement with global political dimensions. He said that the monopoly drug manufacturers are engaged in developing vaccines, medicines and other products related to the treatment of Covid-19. These would be patented and sold in the market for prices unaffordable to ordinary people. As an alternative, an Open Source Covid Movement based on the principles of cooperation and sharing is also coming up. The chief minister announced the state’s solidarity with this movement.

A World-Wide Churn

THE capitalist world has been gripped by a crisis since 2008, the basic cause of which is the unsustainable neoliberal capitalist system.Crisis-ridden capitalism has been trying its level best to come out of this crisis. But whatever methods and steps were adopted had failed to overcome this problem, unlike in earlier such crises. This showed the hollowness and vulnerabilities of the finance driven neoliberal order.In this backdrop, the sudden and unforeseen spread of the coronavirus pandemic has come like a bolt from the blue.

Electricity Bill 2020: A Road to Complete Darkness

WHEN the whole world is living tensed over the Covid-19 pandemic, the central government has been trying to cook up an anti-people reform in the electricity sector. The Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020, to amend the parent act of 2003, has been published by the ministry of power. They are in hurry to introduce the reforms in the electricity sector in spite of the people facing an unprecedented and devastating impact of the pandemic. The aim of the bill is total privatisation of the sector. During the pandemic, people are experiencing the importance of the public sector, universally.

A Revolutionary Life Dedicated to the Cause

K VARADHARAJAN, an outstanding leader of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), passed away on May 16, 2020 at the age of 73. In his death, the democratic peasant movement has lost a dedicated fighter, most  of whose adult life was spent in the pursuit of the agrarian revolution in India.KV, as Varadharajan was popularly known among his comrades and activists in the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and in the AIKS, was born on October 4, 1946 in the temple town of Srirangam in Tamil Nadu.

The Impact of the Lockdown on Adivasi Communities

AS the greatest man made humanitarian crisis since independence plays out across India, prevailing inequalities get intensified due to government policies and approaches during the arbitrarily declared, unplanned lockdown. The curtain of invisibility that hitherto concealed the existence of 10 crore workers, termed migrant workers, has been torn asunder through myriad images of horrendous suffering. This huge section of India’s labour force or rather India’s life force are being stripped of their rights as equal citizens of India.


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