
Cancelling Question Hour Erodes Constitutional Mandate of Parliamentary Oversight over Executive Action

Moreover, such actions prevent the members of Parliament from carrying out their constitutional obligations of questioning, debating, discussing and scrutinising government policies and actions.THE decision to go without “question hour” during the monsoon session of parliament, beginning September 14, has evoked serious concerns about the democratic functioning of the institution. Question hour is not only an opportunity for the members to raise questions, but it is a parliamentary device primarily meant for exercising legislative control over executive actions.

Ideological Hostility to state intervention, BJP a tool to carry the agenda

ANKHI Das, a name, which all of a sudden became popular in the country continues to make headlines in the media. Public policy chief of Facebook for South and Central Asia, Das is known for her proximity to the BJP and also to the point how she shaped Facebook’s policy, more aligned to the BJP. Her remarks do not just limit to this alignment brought about to win the general elections in 2014 but go deeper to the ideological hostility to which she is wedded/ linked to.

Birth Centenary of Anna Bhau Sathe- People’s poet

TITLED as Gorky of Maharashtra, Anna Bhau Sathe was born in a dalit family on August 11, 1920 in Vategaon village in Satara district in Maharashtra. Anna Bhau’s journey from his village to one of the most astounding figures of literature in Maharashtra is nothing less than a fairy tale. A person who did not even know the letters till he started working in Bombay rose to one of the finest poets that the state has ever produced.

Smoke and Mirrors: A Corporate Hindutva Project as delusional NEP

ANY worthwhile policy making has to start with an objective assessment of the existing ground reality. Proceeding from this, discerning the challenges, the policy ought to set out a roadmap for overcoming them. However, despite the PM’s loud claims that NEP 2020 was preceded by intense study and research for last 3-4 years, no data or reference to these appear in the policy document! Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is, more than anything else, this is a vision statement.The PM is uncharacteristically pitching for NEP asserting that it faces no opposition.

Drive for Privatisation of Healthcare: NDHM

IN his Independence Day speech this year, the prime minister has made a ‘major’ announcement. It is about the launching of NDHM (National Digital Health Mission). He said, “From today, a major campaign is being launched in which technology will play a big role. The National Digital Health Mission is being launched today. This will bring a new revolution in India’s health sector and it will help reduce problems in getting treatment with the help of technology,” PM has said.What NDHM scheme proposes to do for the citizen’s healthcare?

Increasing Child Sexual Abuse: A Wake-Up Call to Government and Society

AS many as 109 children were sexually abused every day in India in 2018 according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). 39,827 cases under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (POCSO) were reported in that year. But on an average, the conviction rate in child rape cases is less than 30 per cent and pendency of cases is as high as 80-85 per cent. India has come a long way in enacting legislations and legal measures to handle cases of child sexual abuse.

Narrative of ‘New India’: Destruction of Indian Constitution

AS we approach our 73rd Independence Day, a new national narrative is being scripted to bequeath to India’s future.  This narrative of a `New India’ suggests that on August 15, 1947, India achieved its independence; on August 5, 2019, with the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution; and August 5, 2020, when the Ram temple construction was formally launched by the prime minister is the day of India’s real freedom.This new narrative is the complete negation of and the antitheses of India’s epic struggle for independence and the republic that emerged under the Indian con


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