
Repeal These Agri-Laws

ONCE again, the talks between the central government and representatives of the kisan organisations today (December 30) failed to resolve the main issues on which these unprecedented kisan protests are taking place.  The central government refused to consider the repeal of these Agri-Laws but has apparently agreed to reconsider the Electricity (Amendment) Bill and remove kisans from the Pollution Act.  Another round of talks is scheduled for January 4, 2021.The BJP central government’s continued obduracy regarding the repeal of the three Agri-Laws prolongs the deadlock in the ongoing huge p

2020 – Relentless Assault on People by a Callous Govt

THE year that is ending saw India face one of the worst calamities in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the year will also be tragically remembered because the Indian government turned into an open enemy of the people, dropping all pretences of working for their welfare. It not only monumentally mismanaged the pandemic but, in the process, it foisted a series of policies on the country that would consolidate the rule of big capitalists and landowners, big traders and foreign monopolists, grinding down the peasantry and working class in the process.

Growing unity among the Agrarian Classes will Force the Modi Government to Give in

THE growing unity among the various agrarian classes is clearly visible in the ongoing farmers’ struggle. The enduring agrarian crisis that had taken a toll of over five lakh peasant suicides (since 1995) due to indebtedness is the major factor that ensures consolidation of the peasant classes against the neo-liberal policies.

Manusmriti – A Marxist Perspective Class, Caste and Gender-based Oppressions

THE concepts of freedom, democracy, and secular republic were widely accepted in India, based on which the Constitution was drafted. While implementing these, one can see feudal relations and Manusmriti as big obstacles.UNTOUCHABILITY - VIOLENCE                    Article 17 of the Constitution declares untouchability has been completely abolished by law. But what is the current situation?

Dispelling Modi Govt’s Myths on Farm Laws

THE national capital has been witnessing massive farmers protest over three agricultural bills recently passed by the Modi government. First, protesting farmers were branded as middlemen. Then came the allegation that Khalistani separatists have penetrated the protest. The ruling dispensation further claims that farmers are turning out in large numbers as they are misled by the opposition. Finally, Prime Minister NarendraModi plunged into the scene to defend the government’s agri laws.

Meltdown: The Unravelling of the Indian Judiciary

IT was more than a coincidence that on November 26, 1949, Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar as the chairman of the drafting committee presented the draft constitution to the Constituent Assembly. In its course, he made the famous observation, “We are giving ourselves a Constitution where one man will have one vote, but we are a long way from that day where one man will have one value”. He was articulating his insight on the extreme economic and social inequality in the Indian society. He had expressed himself repeatedly on the need for translating these ideas enshrined in the constitution.

Maradona: The Football Genius

WAS it an unconscious decision of that irrepressible certainty – Mr. Time – that Diego Armando Maradona left us forever on the same day his renowned friend and comrade, Fidel Castro, bid adieu four years ago? Yes, both Fidel and Maradona share the same date of death: November 25th.  While I pen these lines, the body of Maradona has been laid to rest in Bella Vista Cemetery, outside Buenos Aires. Tens of thousands of people gathered to pay homage to the legend during the funeral procession and the funeral.

A Draconian Anti-Constitutional Ordinance

THE Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh has filed its first case under the new Ordinance entitled “UP Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion 2020". The case symbolizes the real intent of the government and the way the ordinance is an instrument to criminalise inter-faith  relationships. A young adult couple, the girl Hindu and the boy Muslim, studying in the same educational institution developed a relationship. They eloped in October, 2019.

Frederick Engels: What a Torch of Reason Ceased to Burn, What a Heart has Ceased to Beat!

Below we publish the article written by Lenin in 1895, which was first published in 1896 in the miscellany Rabotnik.ON August 5 (new style), 1895, Frederick Engels died in London. After his friend Karl Marx (who died in 1883), Engels was the finest scholar and teacher of the modern proletariat in the whole civilised world. From the time that fate brought Karl Marx and Frederick Engels together, the two friends devoted their life’s work to a common cause.


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