
The Week in Parliament

THE CPI(M) opposed the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019 in both houses of Parliament. In Rajya Sabha, T K Rangarajan said today is a black day. The government did not consult the people of Jammu and Kashmir or Ladakh. The government dissolved the Assembly and don’t want to hold any election. It has taken 35,000 armed personnel there. You are creating another Palestine! Tomorrow you can do anything with any State. Tomorrow you can bifurcate any State. So, the Constitution itself is in danger.

The Week in Parliament

IN Rajya Sabha, K Somaprasad spoke on the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2019. This Bill is a comprehensive legislation. It is high time to enact such a law in the country. It will help tackle the menace of illegal deposit mobilising activities in the country. Non-banking entities are allowed to raise deposits from public under provisions of various statutes enacted by the central and state governments. Various ponzi schemes are still operating in the society. This Bill will put an end to this illegal practice.

The Week in Parliament

THE CPI(M) opposed the Right to Information (Amendment) Bill in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and requested the government to withdraw it so as not to dilute the powers and autonomy of the transparency panel. In Lok Sabha, P R Natarajan said the power of the legislature should not be allowed to be taken over by the executive. He asked the government not to dilute the original Act. In Rajya Sabha, K K Ragesh said the amendment would make the Information Commission just another government department. The proposed amendment would kill the very underlying principle of the RTI Act.

The Week in Parliament

In Lok Sabha, P R Natarajan took part in the discussion on Union Budget 2019-20 and Demand for Grants, Ministry of Railways. He said Coimbatore to Pollachi rail gauge conversion work was done by the railways more than eight years ago. Even after completion of the work, the southern railway is not operating trains on the route. He requested the government to take steps for immediate restoration of train services, which is a long-pending demand of the people of Coimbatore and Pollachi.

The Week in Parliament

ON July 5, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2019-20 in Lok Sabha and subsequently it was laid in Rajya Sabha. Speaking on the budget in Lok Sabha, P Natarajan said it is shocking that the government has chosen to give several tax concessions to the corporate sector while burdening the common people with additional excise duties on petrol and diesel to the tune of Rs 2 per litre. The budget shows very little increase in spending for people. Total subsidies as per cent of total expenditure have remained almost unchanged at about 12 per cent.

The Week in Parliament

THIS was the last session of the 16TH Lok Sabha. The 16TH Lok Sabha was constituted on May 18, 2014 and the House met on June 4, 2014. In all, the House had 331 sittings. On February 13, 2019, both Houses of Parliament – the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha – were adjourned sine die.The Rajya Sabha on the last day of the session passed the Personal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2018 by voice vote and it was later passed in the Lok Sabha too. The bill removes leprosy as a ground for divorce under five personal laws, including the Hindu Marriage Act.

Week in Parliament

THE budget session began as usual with the president’s address to joint session of parliament on January 31, 2019. After this, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha met and made obituary references and adjourned for the day. On the next day, minister for finance Piyush Goyal presented the interim budget 2019-20 in Lok Sabha and subsequently it was laid in Rajya Sabha, along with the Fiscal Policy Statement 2019-20. Rajya Sabha hardly conducted any transactions during this time due to protests by members on various issues.In Lok Sabha, discussion was held on the motion of thanks on president's address.

The Week in Parliament

CPI(M) leader P Karunakaran raised the Sabarimala issue in the zero hour . He said it is a historical verdict because it  is to protect the right of the citizens especially the rights of women to go to the temple. Not only we, Uma Bharati, Subramanian Swamy, Maneka Gandhi and many other BJP leaders and the Congress leaders have upheld this verdict. The Congress high command also must disclose their stand on the SC verdict about the rights of all women to go to the temple. The government of Kerala has to protect and keep the verdict.

The Week in Parliament

THE Lok Sabha took up discussion on the prevailing flood and drought situations in various parts of the country. CPI(M) leader P Karunakaran began the discussion by paying homage to the innocent people who have lost their lives due to flood and heavy rainfall throughout the country, and said flooding has affected Kerala, Maharashtra, Assam and some parts of Tamil Nadu. Intense rainfall has caused a significant damage to life and property. Out of 1033 villages, 965 villages have been affected in the hilly areas of Idukki in Kerala. About 119 people have lost their lives.

The Week in Parliament

THE monsoon session of Parliament began on July 18, with obituary references to departing leaders including Md. Amin of the CPI(M) who passed away on February 12. New CPI(M) Rajya Sabha MP Elamaram Kareem took oath on the first day of the session.LEGISLATIVE BILLSThe Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2017 was taken up for discussion in Rajya Sabha. In his maiden speech, Elamaram Kareem opposed the Bill and said that in the name of ‘road safety’, there is some hidden agenda behind this.


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