Gender Issues

AIDWA’S SAVE INDIA CONVENTION: Women Call for a United Struggle against Regressive Politics

THE  ‘Save India Convention against Assault on Women’s Citizenship Rights’, organised by the All India Democratic Women’s Association was held in Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi on December 8. More than a thousand women delegates attended from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal to pledge their solidarity and support to the struggle against the anti-women policies and socially reactionary politics of the BJP-RSS regime.

AIDWA Demands Action against Vigilante Groups

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), in a statement issued on November 22, has strongly condemned the threats and acts of violence unleashed by right wing vigilante groups like the Rajput Karni Sena which has prevented the release of the film ‘Padmavati’ on the scheduled date. The parallel system of ‘goonda raj’ being perpetrated by such extra constitutional groups has been exacerbated by the felicity with which several constitutionally elected state governments have succumbed to these pressures.

MAHARASHTRA: AIDWA’S Workshop on ‘Women and Health’

LAST month, the Maharashtra AIDWA organised a three-day statewide workshop on ‘Women and Health’ for its main activists. Held in Thane city, it was well attended by 75 leading activists from all over the state. The organisation has been consistently fighting on various issues faced by women like ration, price rise, employment, domestic violence and atrocities. But the health issue which is close to every woman’s heart is rarely addressed by women’s organisations.

AIDWA to Organise National Convention against Violence & Regressive Ideology

THE AIDWA central executive committee (CEC) meeting held on October 13-15, 2017 in Amritsar, Punjab, decided to organise nationwide campaigns and struggles on challenges arising from the economic attacks of the BJP government and the communal propaganda of the Sangh Parivar. President Malini Bhattacharya, along with vice-presidents Sudha Sundararaman, T N Seema, Rampari and Rama Devi chaired the various sessions of the CEC.A lively cultural programme of Gidda and Bhangda, folk dances of Punjab was organised by the reception committee.

AIDWA Team Visits BHU Students

MADHU Garg, Malti Devi, Seema Rana (state president, general secretary and joint secretary of AIDWA Uttar Pradesh committee) and I visited Varanasi on October 4-5.  After the tremendous agitation launched by the women students against the apathy of the Banaras Hindu University administration towards rampant sexual harassment on the campus and the brutal attack on them by the police on the night of September 23, the university had been abruptly shut.  It re-opened on the 2nd and we went to meet students and faculty members.The UP government and the district administration continue to view an

AIDWA Burns Effigies of Babas who Violate Women

All India Democratic Women’s Association observed Dussehra on September 30, by burning the effigy of the so-called (religious) babas, who violate women behind the fig-leaf of religion and the anti-women vice-chancellor of BHU. These elements get the patronage of the BJP government which has also resulted in the exponential increase in the incidence of violence against women during the three-years of NDA rule.The programme was conducted by the Delhi president of JMS and the gathering was addressed by AIDWA general secretary Mariam Dhawale, and Delhi secretary Asha Sharma.

DILUTION OF GSCASH: Women’s Organisations Express Concern

EXPRESSING strong protest against the attempts made by the administration of the Jawaharlal Nehru University to weaken the GSCASH (committee to look into complaints of sexual harassment), the AIDWA, AIPWA, ANHAD, Guild of Service, JWP and NFIW have written a letter to the vice chancellor of the university, on September 16.The women’s organisations expressed strong concern at the reports which indicate that the university administration is making serious and unjustified attempts to dilute and destroy the autonomy of the Gender Sensitisation Committee against Sexual Harassment (GSCAS


THE special CBI court in Panchkula, Haryana, has convicted the Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in the charge of rape of two sadhvis, in a case that was registered in 2002. This verdict has sparked off widespread violence and rioting in Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and parts of Uttar Pradesh, leading to the unfortunate death of over 30 people and injuries to hundreds.

‘Love Jihad’ Judgement and the Politics of the ‘Hindu’ Right

ON May 24, Kerala High Court had declared the marriage of Shafin Jahan and Akhila alias Hadiya as null and void on the petition of the bride’s father. The father claimed that his daughter was forced to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim under the influence of the Islamic State. The petition alleged that the girl would be forcibly sent to Syria in order to work for the extremist Islamic outfit. In response, the Court nullified the marriage and the husband of the girl petitioned the Supreme Court.

AIDWA Welcomes Triple Talaq Judgment

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association has welcomed the majority judgement in “Shayara Bano v. Union of India and Ors” WP (C) No. 118/2016, in which the Supreme Court has held that triple talaq is arbitrary and un-constitutional. AIDWA, in a statement issued on August 22, has said that it always opposed the unilateral, arbitrary, irrevocable and instantaneous triple talaq, which has always adversely affected the lives of millions of Muslim women.


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