Current Issues

The Communalisation of Public Spaces

THE brutal lynching of three brothers travelling on a local train in the National Capital Region, leading to the death of 15 year old Junaid, has led to outrage across India. Citizens protests have been held in many cities. In many areas Eid was observed by wearing black bands as a mark of solidarity and sorrow against the lynchings. In Kandhauli the village where Junaid's family lives, each and every resident wore a black band.

CPI(M) Condemns Communal Attack

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on June 23. THE CPI(M) strongly condemns the communal attack on a Muslim family in a local train on the outskirts of Delhi leading to the death of Junaid, a 15 year old student and serious stab injuries to his brother 22 year old Shakir. The third brother Hashim was also injured. The men who led the slogan shouting mob attacked them with large knives.These young men boarded a local train at Delhi around 5 pm for Ballabhgarh, Haryana.

Lynching by a Communal Mob: CPI(M) Delegation Meets Victims Family Members

A CPI(M) delegation comprising Polit Bureau members Brinda Karat, Md Salim (MP) Surinder Malik (Haryana state secretary), Asha Sharma (Delhi state secretariat member), Satbir Singh and other local leaders  went to the village of Khandavli in Haryana on June 24 and met the family members of Junaid, Shakir, Hashim who were lynched by a criminal communal mob on the Delhi-Mathura local train two days ago.The delegation assured the grieving family, father Jalaluddin and mother Saira and others of their support and solidarity against the heinous crime committed by communally motivated criminals a

Yechury Writes to PM on Farmers’ Issues

IN a letter written by Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) general secretary and leader of the CPI(M) group in Rajya Sabha to the prime minister on June 15, he demanded introduction and passing of a legislation in the forthcoming parliament session which not only confers on farmers the right to sell at MSP but also guarantees an automatic annual review of the MSP, which will be, at least, 50 per cent more than production costs.

Restore Normalcy in Darjeeling

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on June 15.THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) expresses its deep concern at the alarming situation that has arisen in the Darjeeling hills area in the state of West Bengal.  Negating all the claims of establishing peace and normalcy made by the West Bengal chief minister and the state government, calls for continuous strikes have virtually paralysed normalcy in the region.Normalcy needs to be restored in the region and this can happen only through negotiations with the Gorkh

Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan Observes Protest against Mandsaur Firing

THE Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan of all the Left and democratic peasant and agriculture workers organisations and social organisations observed June 14 as protest day across the country against the Mandsaur police firing on farmers by the BJP led Shivraj Singh Chouhan government of Madhya Pradesh. The farmers were on struggle with the genuine demands of remunerative price to all the crops and comprehensive loan waiver.

Stop Targetting of NDTV

THE Delhi Union of Journalists, in a statement  issued on June 5  has expressed serious concern at the CBI raids on the homes of Prannoy Roy, executive chairperson of NDTV, ostensibly for defaulting on a bank loan.We note that the raids come directly after a primetime spat between NDTV executive editor Nidhi Razdan and BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra. Patra had accused the channel of being biased in its coverage and having an ‘agenda’. Razdan had objected strongly, telling him he could leave the show if he wished.

On EVM Testing

Statement issued by team of experts who attended the Election Commission’s EVM Testing meet on behalf of the CPI(M), on June 4.A CPI(M) technical team comprising of Hardware, Embedded Systems and Security Experts had visited the ECI Office on June 3 for participating in the EVM testing exercise. The team wanted to check not only the EVMs but how the EVMs can be used with a set of safeguards, including voter-verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT).


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