Current Issues

Sham of Lowering Petrol & Diesel Prices

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on January 17. THE central government has for the fourth time since November hiked the excise duties on petrol and diesel which will bring the government revenue of Rs 20,000 crores rupees. Thus instead of the people of India benefiting from the 55 per cent decrease in the global price of crude oil since June 2014, the government is exploiting the situation to fill its own coffers. These steps of the government also expose its totally hypocritical approach regarding deregulation.

Seven Left Parties in Delhi to Contest Assembly Elections Jointly

LEADERS of Delhi units of seven Left parties- Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)- Liberation, All India Forward Bloc, Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist), Revolutionary Socialist Party and Socialist Party-India held a meeting on January 13 and decided to contest the forthcoming Delhi assembly elections jointly. The following is the statement that they issued:

CITU Congratulates Coal Workers For the Heroic Strike

The following is the statement issued by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) on January 8:

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) congratulates the coal workers all over the country for their heroic two days’ strike action in all the coal mines and establishments spread over around 40 districts braving police repressions and attacks by the contractor-mafia combine. The strike completely paralysed operations in most of the coal mines under Coal India Ltd and Singareni Collieries Ltd.

Niti Aayog: A Regressive Step

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on January 2.

THE announcement of a Niti Aayog to replace the Planning Commission is a regressive step which will further push the country into a market-driven economy and privatisation in all spheres at the expense of diluting even the present inadequate schemes aimed at improving people’s welfare. Whatever role the Planning Commission had, to allocate resources for the public sector and deploying public investment keeping in mind the regional disparities, has now ended.

Obama Visit: Observe Protest Day on Jan 24

Six Left parties, the CPI, CPI(M), CPI(ML)-Liberation, AIFB, SUCI(C) and RSP have issued the following statement on January 3, 2015.

THE Modi government and the BJP have unleashed the forces of Hindutva which threaten the secular and democratic values of the Indian republic. It is at such a juncture that the government has invited President Obama of the United States of America to be the chief guest of the Republic Day on January 26.

CPI(M) Supports the Coal Workers Strike

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on January 6, 2015.

AT the call of the five national federations of coal workers affiliated to various Central Trade Unions, seven lakh workers in the coal mines under Coal India Ltd and Singareni Coal Mines have gone on total strike from January 6. This total strike in the coal sector is to protest against the ordinance promulgated by the Government of India leading to denationalisation of coal mining in the country.

Govt Formation in J & K

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 26.

THE formation of the government of Jammu & Kashmir has become complicated because of the nature of the result and a hung assembly. The BJP, which benefited from the polarisation in the Jammu region, is trying to impose its political design in the formation of the government. This should be resisted in the interests of the unity of the state and safeguarding its special status.


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