Current Issues

On 2G Judgement

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 21, 2017.The judgement of the CBI special court on the 2G spectrum case raises more questions than answers. It was well-established that the allocation of 2G spectrum had caused a big loss calculated to be Rs.

Logo for 22nd Congress of CPI(M) Released

The logo for the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), scheduled to be held from April 18-22 , 2018 in Hyderabad was released by state secretary Thammineni Veerabhadram, who is also the general secretary of the Reception Committee. Along with him on the dais are Ch Sitaramulu, Central Committee member, B Venkat, treasurer of the Reception Committee and state secretariat member, Jyoti and Sunnam Rajyam, MLA, both state secretariat members and secretaries of the Reception Committee.

Condemn US Step on Jerusalem

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 7, 2017THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the decision of US President Donald Trump, to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to shift the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv.This action goes against the United Nations’ and the international community’s stand that East Jerusalem is an occupied territory by Israel since 1967.  An independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital is the internationally accepted position.  The United States has taken the formal step of legalising the illegal

Give the Declared Compensation to Junaid’s Family

IN a letter written by CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat to Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on December 5, 2017, she brought the issue of non-payment of compensation announced by him to the next of kin of Junaid, to his notice.Junaid, son of Jalaladuddin, resident of Khatauli village, Faridabad, Haryana, was brutally stabbed to death by a communally motivated group, on June 22, 2017.On June 29, the papers carried the statement of the chief minister of Haryana, condemning the murder. He also declared a compensation of  Rs Ten lakhs.

December 6 Protest Rallies

WEST BENGAL: Massive Rally Denounces Communal ForcesTHOUSANDS of people marched through Kolkata on the 25th anniversary of Babri demolition, resolving to fight the communal forces. The march, called by the Left Front, other Left parties and allies started from Lenin statue in Dharmatala and ended in Rajabajar. The entire path witnessed a huge stream of people, splashing red flags, and innovative slogans from the students and youth in particular.

Denounce Ordinance Raj

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 23.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) registers its strong objection to the increasing recourse to the route of ordinance raj that this BJP-led central government has been resorting to.It is reported that an ordinance would be issued to amend the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Act.The winter session of parliament should normally have been sitting at this time. This has been the practice for over half a century.


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