Current Issues

CPI(M) Delegation to EC Demands Action against Mamata, Kolkata Police chief

A CPI(M) delegation to the Election Commission has demanded action against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her brazen attempts to undermine the constitutional authority of the poll panel and adequate deployment of central forces to ensure free and fair elections. The delegation, comprising general secretary Sitaram Yechury and Central Secretariat member Nilotpal Basu, met the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) twice in the first week of April.

CPI(M) Delegation Meets National Commission for Minorities Chairperson

IN connection with the assault on three Muslim students in Ramesh Enclave in Delhi, who faced violence and threats and were made to chant Mata ki Jai/Bharat Mata ki Jai slogans, a delegation of the Delhi state committee of CPI(M) met the three injured students on March 30. Dilkush, Naeem and Ajmal, all students in a local Madrassa in Ramesh Enclave, Delhi were assaulted by a gang of five men who coerced them to shout slogans like Mata ki Jai/Bharat Mata ki Jai. All three of them were badly beaten, one of them, Dilkush suffered serious fractures.

No FDI in E-Commerce Retail

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on March 30.

THE decision of the Modi government to allow 100 percent FDI in e-commerce retail is an outright surrender to the interests of big foreign e-commerce retail firms. This is clearly announced to appease foreign capital on the eve of PM Modi’s US visit. It is also a surrender to the pressures of the EU keeping in mind the ongoing Free Trade Agreement talks with EU and the prime minister’s visit to Brussels.

Uttarakhand: Assault on Democracy

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement March 28, 2016.

THE dismissal of the Harish Rawat government and the imposition of president’s rule in Uttarakhand is a shameless assault on democracy and a blatant violation of the constitutional norms. The fact that the central action has taken place a day before the chief minister was to test his majority on the floor of the assembly as asked by the governor, makes this +intervention patently illegal and unconstitutional.

Lahore Bombing Condemned

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on March 28, 2016.

THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its deep shock and outrage at the suicide bombing in a park in Lahore, Pakistan, which has killed 70 persons mostly women and children and injured more than 300. This attack was particularly heinous as the perpetrators have themselves claimed that they targeted the Christian community who had gone to the park on Easter Sunday.

CPI(M) Submits Memorandum to CEC on Bengal Polls

A two member delegation of the CPI(M) consisting of Sitaram Yechury, general secretary and Nilotpal Basu, central secretariat member met the Chief Election Commissioner on March 18 to draw attention of the Commission to some serious concerns with regard to the forthcoming elections to the West Bengal legislative assembly. The full text of the memorandum submitted to the Commission is reproduced below.

CPI(M) Files Counter Affidavit on Political parties under RTI

Below we reproduce the counter affidavit filed by the general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Sitaram Yechury, in the Supreme Court on the petition seeking to bring the political parties under the Right to Information Act.  1.                    That the respondent, the Communist Party of India (Marxist), holds view that the statement of accounts and the details of finances of the political parties should be accessible to public.


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