Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Reject Roopanwal Commission Report

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on October 6, 2016.THE  Roopanwal Commission which was set up by the HRD ministry to ostensibly give a report on the developments in Hyderabad Central University leading upto the tragic suicide of Rohith Vemula has violated legal parameters and gone beyond its jurisdiction.

On Government’s Brief to Some Opposition Leaders

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on September 29.THE government briefed some leaders of the opposition parties on certain operations conducted by the Indian army. The government informed that at two points across Kupwara and Poonch these operations took place.The government had informed that these operations have ended this morning. The CPI(M) expects that there is no further escalation of hostilities henceforth.The CPI(M) expresses the hope that now incidents like at Pathankot and at Uri will not recur.

Migration as Revolt against Capital

THE fact that a large number of refugees, especially from countries which have been subjected of late to the ravages of imperialist aggression and wars, are desperately trying to enter Europe, is seen almost exclusively in humanitarian terms. While this perception no doubt has validity, there is another aspect of the issue which has escaped attention altogether, namely that it is the first time in modern history that the issue of migration is being sought to be taken out of the exclusive control of metropolitan capital.

West Bengal Plenum Vows To Strengthen Mass Activity

CPI(M) West Bengal Plenum has decided to vigorously pursue mass line to widen the mass base of the Party. The plenum has called upon all Party workers to go to the masses, learn from them and be worthy of their trust.The two day plenum was held on September 30 and October 1 at Promode Dasgupta Bhavan in Kolkata. 378 delegates participated in the plenum. Party general secretary Sitaram Yechury, Polit Bureau members Prakash Karat, Manik Sarkar, M A Baby, Hannan Mollah were present. A presidium consisting of Biman Basu, Md Salim, Minati Ghosh and Ramchandra Dome conducted the proceedings.

Thailand: Democracy Trampled

THE Thai army junta which calls itself the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) that seized power from a democratically elected government on May 2014 now seems intent to permanently convert electoral politics in the country into a farce. In the first week of August, Thais were told to vote in a referendum that in effect sought to curtail their democratic rights.

Reject the Proposal of Creating a "Bad Bank"

IN a letter written to the prime minister on October 4, regarding the proposal to create a “bad bank” as the solution proposed by the government to overcome the humongous  amounts of outstanding NPAs by the corporates, Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), noted that bad loan provisioning for most State-owned banks doubled – and even trebled in some cases – in 2015-16, as shown by recent reports. To make matters worse, the core earnings of most of these banks have fallen grossly short of the requirement for bad loan provisioning.

CITU Tamilnadu State Conference Calls for Consolidating Working Class Unity

THE 13th conference of CITU’s Tamilnadu state unit was held in the pearl city of Tuticorin on September 9-12. The conference called upon the working class of Tamilnadu to consolidate the unity among various sections and forge a militant fight against the central and state governments that pursue neo-liberal economic policies against the interests of the workers.The reception committee was constituted in April with K Kanagaraj as its president and R Russel as secretary and V Balasubramaniam as treasurer.

CITU Condemns the Govt’s Change of Decision on EPF Coverage

THE CITU, in a statement issued on October 6, has condemned the reported rejection by the union cabinet of the proposal to reduce the threshold of industrial units for the coverage of Employees Provident Fund.  Actually, the government has gone back on its own assurance given in the parliament to reduce the existing threshold of 20 workers to 10.  The government  had been claiming that 50 lakh more workers will be benefited by this change.  The proposal to cover factories with at least 10 workers has been pending from 2012, when the 44th Indian Labour Conference had recommended it.  The Cen

Huge Tribal Rally Held in Maharashtra

ON October 3, 2016, over 50,000 adivasi peasants, women, youth and students from all over Maharashtra under the joint leadership of the AIKS, AIDWA, DYFI, SFI and AARM held an unprecedented gherao agitation outside adivasi development minister Vishnu Savra's house at the sub divisional centre of Wada in Palghar district. The gherao continued for 16 hours till dawn on October 4 with tens of thousands of people.

Resist Jharkhand Government’s Land Grabbing Ordinances

BJP’s Raghubar Das government of Jharkhand launched a serious attack on the adivasi, dalit and OBC peasants’ lands in Jharkhand violating the basic features of Jharkhand’s tenancy laws and of the constitution of India. This attack is to implement Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pet project ‘Make in India’ in Jharkhand for the loot of Jharkhand’s land and natural resources by the Desi and Videshi corporates.


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