Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

The October Revolution and the Sciences

THERE are two major ways that the October Revolution changed the world of sciences. First, was that science and technology can be planned; it is through planning of science, technology and the industry that a backward feudal country like Russia could organise its society and catch up with the far more advanced west in only a few decades. That it could combat Nazi Germany in the Second World War was due in part to the rapid industrialisation Russia had done in the 20's and 30's.

The Theoretical Significance of the October Revolution

THE October Revolution brought about a revolutionary change in the conception of revolution itself. All revolutions thenceforth, including the October Revolution itself, were to be located within this new conceptual universe. Prior to the October Revolution, socialism had been seen as the revolutionary project exclusively of the proletariat, which could be attempted where the proletariat had come into being as a major political force, and where therefore the polarisation of society between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat had been carried far enough.

Uphold the Revolutionary Legacy of October 1917

THE Russian Revolution of October 1917 was a momentous event which opened a new epoch for the world. As we approach the centenary of the October Revolution, it is possible to look back across the course of the entire 20th century and come to a judgment about its historic significance and contemporary relevance.While it may take a longer time to arrive at definite conclusions about the historical experience of the 74 years of the Soviet Union, as far as the October Revolution itself is concerned, its historic and world wide significance is well established.

October Revolution and Women's Emancipation

THE socialist revolution in Russia and the subsequent formation of the Soviet Union, showed the world in a most spectacular way that the all round emancipation of women is possible only through the Socialist path. Under the leadership of Comrade Lenin and the Bolshevik party, later called the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the policies created and implemented in the world's first Socialist State made women and children the greatest beneficiaries.

UP: Scheme Workers Intensify Struggle for Wage Hike, Social Security

RESENTMENT among anganwadi workers and helpers in Uttar Pradesh has been growing in the past year due to excessive work load. Increasing price rise, very low honorarium, lack of basic infrastructure in anganwadi centres, status of the scheme even after 41 years of its inception and cut in funding in the recent budget have added to their woes. Beginning with the all-India general strike on September 2, 2015, the struggle of anganwadi workers and helpers continued over their demands. In this year-long struggle, participation of workers in all protest demonstrations has been overwhelming.

Trans-National Surrogacy and Capitalism

THE cabinet approval of the Draft Surrogacy Bill, 2016 has once again turned the spotlight on the debate on the commodification of women’s reproductive labour. The full draft form of the Bill is yet to be shared in the public domain, but its main features include a total ban on ‘commercial surrogacy’. This has invited sharp retaliation from the medical industry which argues that not only will they incur heavy losses, but the ‘surrogate’ women will also lose on a livelihood option.

Sugarcane Growers will Hold Protest Dharna before Parliament on Nov 25

THE All India Co-ordination Committee of Sugarcane growers met at Sundarayya Vigyan Kendram, Hyderabad in September last week. Representatives from ten states (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand) participated in this meeting. The meeting began with opening remarks by AIKS general secretary Hannan Mollah,  S Malla Reddy presided over the meeting. The report was presented by N K Shukla, convenor and supplemented by Vijoo Krishnan, co-convenor.


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