AFTER the discussions held with the Karnataka Anganwadi Noukarara Sangha (affiliated to CITU) on April 10, the chief minister agreed to a further increase of Rs1000 for workers, Rs 500 for helpers and Rs 500 for mini anganwadi workers. An increase of Rs 1000 for anganwadi worker and Rs 500 for helper has already been announced in the state budget. Thus the total increase has become Rs 2000 for workers, Rs 1000 for helpers and Rs 1500 for mini workers. Now the remuneration will be Rs 8000 for anganwadi workers, Rs 5250 for mini workers and 4000 for helpers.
REACTING to the mediation offer on Kashmir, by the US envoy to UN, Nikki Haley, senior CPI(M) leader and MLA, Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, in a statement issued on April 7, has said that past and the present experience clearly shows that the US has exploited various political issues faced by the third world countries for justifying its intervention and furthering its agenda of hegemonisim.In the recent past the US has directly or indirectly created havoc in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Syria. It allowed the massacre of millions by destabilising the governments in these countries.
INDIA’S foodgrain economy which, after a period of decline following liberalisation, had shown some signs of a recovery, is once again on a declining trajectory.
THE Election Commission has countermanded the by-election to the RK Nagar assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu scheduled to be held on April 12, 2017. During the 2016 elections to the Tamil Nadu legislative assembly in 2016, elections to the constituencies of Aravakurichi and Thanjavur were countermanded for distribution of cash to voters.
A CPI(M) delegation comprising of Subhashini Ali, Polit Bureau member, Badaruddoza Khan, Lok Sabha MP from West Bengal, Shankar Prasad Dutta, Lok Sabha MP from Tripura, Amra Ram, CPI(M) Rajasthan secretary, Sumitra Chopra, Raeesa, Guru Charan Singh Mor, CPI(M) Rajasthan state leaders visited Behror, the place where ghastly attack of so-called gau rakshaks on peasants from Haryana engaged in milk production took place on April 1 in which one of them, Pahlu Khan, was brutally murdered.The delegation first visited the police station of that place and met deputy SP Parmal who is the investi
THE Indo-Canadian Workers Association held a public meeting to pay tributes to Shaheed e Azam Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, the heroes of Indian freedom struggle. The meeting was held at Bear Creek Park in Surrey, Canada on April 2. It was presided over by Surinder Dhesi, president of ICWA and attended by well known personalities and activists including ex MP Jinny Sims. A large number of people from all walks of life participated.Manjit Singh Dhillon, the grandson of Gadharite Niranjan Singh Pandori started the meeting with a poem dedicated to the sacrifice of Bhagat Singh.
I WRITE to you to express my deep dismay at recent developments which grossly undermine the legal provisions for the protection of forest dwelling tribal communities and other forest dwellers. I was a member of the select committee of parliament on the Forest Rights Act.
OVER the past 40 years, Neyveli Lignite Corporation has continuously secured profit and attained the status of a ‘Navratna’ public sector undertaking due to the untiring hard work of its workers. But, some unscrupulous officials, with the connivance of the private sector and under the patronage of the central government, are trying to open the doors for privatisation. The management has handed over the work on removal of overburden to private parties like BGR and Mahalakshmi. A lot of irregularities were found in the handing over of the contract to these parties.
The leaders of All India Kisan Sabha visited Jaisinghpur of Nuh district of Haryana on April 7, to console the bereaved family members of Pehlu Khan, the dairy farmer who was killed by Sangh Parivar organisations.
THE first central executive committee (CEC) meeting of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) after the 11th all India conference at Bhopal was held on March 21-23 in Delhi. It was very well attended, with 79 out of 99 CEC members and six out of 12 special invitees from all the 22 states where AIDWA is present. A central secretariat meeting was held prior to the CEC on March 21.