Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

JAN EKTA JAN ADHIKAR ANDOLAN: Convention against Neoliberal, Communal Policies

THE all India convention of mass, class and social movements was held on September 18 in New Delhi to intensify the issue-based united struggle against the anti-people neoliberal and communal policies of the BJP led NDA government. The Jan Ekta Jan Adhikar Andolan (people’s unity, people’s right, people’s resistance) was launched in the convention which will be expand to all states and districts.

National Convention on Right to Food, Health, Education and Care

IN the context of the ongoing efforts by the NDA government to dismantle and privatise the basic delivery systems in the social sector, the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH), Mid Day Meal Workers Federation of India (MDMWFI), and All India Coordination Committee of Asha Workers (AICCAW) jointly held a national convention on “The right to food, health, education and care, the government, centrally sponsored schemes and beyond” on September 17 in New Delhi.Inaugurating the convention, Prof.

Oil Price Hike in the Time of BJP

 THE country is suffering again as the average price of petrol has reached Rs 75 per litre and the average diesel price has reached Rs 62 per litre by the mid-September. The retail price of petrol was this high during the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014 i.e., during the last year of the UPA-2 government. The average international price of crude oil was more than 140 US dollar per barrel (one barrel=159 litres approximately) then. The NDA government was formed in the end of May 2014.

US Threat to North Korea

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on September 20. THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the US threat to exterminate Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). President Donald Trump thundered, in his address to the UN General Assembly, that he would “totally destroy” North Korea. USA is the only country in the world that had used atomic weapons to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Murder of Progressive Journalist

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on September 21THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the murder of a progressive journalist Santanu Bhowmick by BJP-backed IPTF miscreants in Tripura.On the heels of the murder of Gauri Lankesh has come yet another killing of a progressive journalist.

For NITI Aayog, Government Services are Injurious!

NITI Aayog counterposes government’s role in production with that of provision of services. In its Three Year Action Agenda, in one section it states: “As the government contains its role in manufacturing, it must also expand its role in the promotion of public health and quality education”. Contradicting this statement, at another place, it states: “sectors like health and education also need to be opened up for viable PPP models to accelerate sustainable development”.

Combating Deception and Counter-Revolution – June 1917

BY the end of May, Lenin was increasingly coming to the conclusion that due to the compromises of the Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionaries led Soviets, the counter revolutionary forces in the country were gaining the offensive. With each passing day in June, the worst fears of Lenin were confirmed and he decisively stated: “The counter revolution has mustered strength enough to assume the offensive. With the aid of the Narodnik and the Menshevik ministers, the capitalists are organising an assault on liberty”.

KARNATAKA: Huge March of Workers in Bengaluru

THE capital city of Karnataka, Bengaluru witnessed a mammoth struggle of working class of the state on September 14. Over 40,000 workers belonging to 178 unions affiliated to Centre of Indian Trade Union (CITU) from across 30 districts converged in Bengaluru to participate in the “Namma Nade…Bengalurinede Maha Nade”, the mega march towards Bengaluru. The mobilisation has created history in terms of the size of the participation of workers in recent times.

Ghadri Memorial Mela held in Surrey

THE Indo Canadian Workers Association of Canada held its annual mela in Surrey, Canada on September 10.  This was the 17th annual mela in row.This year’s mela was dedicated to the great martyr Ghadar Bhai Balwant Singh Khurdpur, Babu Ram Fatehpur (Hospiarpur), Hafiz Abdullah (Jagraon), Harnam Singh Saini (Fetehgarh), Dr Arud Singh (Sanghwal) and the 100th anniversary of Russian Revolution.The mela started with an exhibition of Ghadar Heroes followed by releasing a souvenir, which was well received by the participants.  The main speakers on this occasion were Surinder Dhesi, president of ICW


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