Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

ANDHRA PRADESH: Vizag Fest - A Celebration of Tradition & Science

NEARLY four lakh people visited the 10-day Vizag Fest at the sprawling Andhra University Engineering College Exhibition Grounds in Visakhapatnam. People from all walks of life, irrespective of caste, creed and religion, visited the festival held between December 1 and December 10. There were many who visited the festival on all the days. In a way, the people of Visakhapatnam felt that it was their own. The fest was a mix of many progressive activities.A book fair with over 100 stalls from all over the country was the main attraction.

AIDWA’S SAVE INDIA CONVENTION: Women Call for a United Struggle against Regressive Politics

THE  ‘Save India Convention against Assault on Women’s Citizenship Rights’, organised by the All India Democratic Women’s Association was held in Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi on December 8. More than a thousand women delegates attended from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal to pledge their solidarity and support to the struggle against the anti-women policies and socially reactionary politics of the BJP-RSS regime.

The Horror of Private Medical Care in India

SEVEN year old Aadhya spent the last two weeks of her life at a ‘state of the art’ private medical facility, her survival dependant on an artificial ventilator. Her brain had probably stopped functioning several days before she died, but we will never know for sure. While a young child suffered silently, for she had lost the ability to cry, Fortis hospital in Gurgaon – a corporate run Frankenstein – was busy planning how they could extract more from Aadhya’s frantic parents.

TAMIL NADU: Kanyakumari Devastated by Ockhi Cyclone

END of November saw the fury of Ockhi cyclone in the three southern districts of Tamil Nadu namely Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi. In this, Kanyakumari bore the brunt while the cyclone was changing its direction towards the western coast. This district is well known for its coconut, rubber and plantain trees besides paddy, which form the economic backbone of the district. The strong gale uprooted each and every tree in the district besides numerous electricity poles bringing the normal life to a stanstill.

PB Communique: CPI(M) Condemns Hate Crime

CPI(M) Polit Bureau met in New Delhi on December 9-10, 2017. It has issued the following statement on December 10.CYCLONE OCKHI: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT MUST PROVIDE ADEQUATE RELIEFCyclone Ockhi has caused immense damage in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In Kerala over a hundred people have been reported as dead and nearly a hundred are still missing. Thousands of houses, mechanised and country boats of fishermen have been damaged. In Tamil Nadu, thirty people have been reported killed while over a thousand are missing.

Oppose Privatisation of Dredging Corporation of India

THE union cabinet decided to completely privatise the Dredging Corporation of India (DCI) at its meeting on November 2. Subsequently, the government formed an inter-ministerial group on November 22 to speed up the privatisation process. CITU general secretary and Rajya Sabha member Tapan Sen wrote a letter to the prime minister on the same day, opposing the privatisation of the DCI. On December 4, a permanent employee of the corporation, N Venkatesh, committed suicide near Vizianagram in Andhra Pradesh.

Left Gains Only Through Unrestrained Struggle against Neoliberalism

IN the recent past, a slew of elections were held in various countries. A study of these election results will help us in understanding the political developments.Recently, parliament elections were held in Nepal – the first after the republican constitution was adopted. The Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist) and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists-Centre) contested the election in alliance. Out of the 165 parliament seats, for which representatives were elected according to the first-past-post system, they had secured 116 seats. The Nepali Congress secured only 23 seats.

Logo for 22nd Congress of CPI(M) Released

The logo for the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), scheduled to be held from April 18-22 , 2018 in Hyderabad was released by state secretary Thammineni Veerabhadram, who is also the general secretary of the Reception Committee. Along with him on the dais are Ch Sitaramulu, Central Committee member, B Venkat, treasurer of the Reception Committee and state secretariat member, Jyoti and Sunnam Rajyam, MLA, both state secretariat members and secretaries of the Reception Committee.

Cyclone Ockhi and Our Response

ON November 30, when the cyclone Ockhi struck, it was for the first time in 100 years that such an incident had occurred in Kerala’s seas. Thousands of fishing workers were then out in the sea. State government and various agencies were able to jointly carry out the rescue operations in an efficient and timely manner. This has helped to save the lives of hundreds of fishing workers.Despite the cyclone warning being issued only in the noon of November 30, the same day when it hit us, we were able to rescue around 400 workers and bring them back to land.


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