Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

AIDWA Writes to PM on OROP

In a letter written to the prime minister on August 18, the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) has expressed support to the legitimate demand of the ex-service men of our country who have been justly demanding one-rank-one-pension. For this they are sitting in a dharna at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi for the last three months and now they have started an indefinite hunger strike.

RSS’ fiddling with special status of J&K counter-productive: Tarigami

BJP and RSS have been making relentless efforts to hurt and provoke the political sentiments of people of Jammu and Kashmir by raising issues like the abrogation of constitutional Article 370, which gives special status to the state, and settlement of non-state subject soldiers in Kashmir, CPI(M) MLA Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami said, and warned that similar moves in the past have always proven counter-productive and against the interests of the state as well as the country.Addressing a Party convention in South Kashmir’s Qazigund on August 19, the Kulgam MLA said it is unfortunate that the RSS

Thinking Together

Why are the Left parties fighting the Bihar elections alone?  Is it not the need of the hour to build a broader secular unity to fight BJP in Bihar? Hemanandan, Lucknow A  THE CPI(M) is very conscious of the need to fight the BJP in Bihar and everywhere in the country.  This is essential for the defence of secularism and democratic institutions.

CPI(M) Condemns Brutal Police Action in Kolkata

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 27, 2015THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the Mamta Banerjee government, for the unprovoked, brutal police lathicharges, tear gassing and use of water cannons against the massive demonstration of kisans led by the Left Kisan organisations supported by 17 Left parties and all Left  mass organisations in Kolkata today. Around 200 demonstrators, including women, have been injured and many had to be hospitalised.

On Gujarat Violence

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 27, 2015.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) condemns the violence which has engulfed various parts of Gujarat resulting in arson and deaths of nine people.  The manner in which the police and the administration handled the aftermath of the August 25 rally organised by the Pattidar organisations contributed to the eruption of violence.

Central Committee Communique

THE Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met in New Delhi from August 21 to 23, 2015. It has issued the following statement on August 24, 2015

THE Central Committee expressed serious concern at the rapidly deteriorating conditions of the people’s livelihood that are a direct result of the more aggressive pursuit of neo-liberal economic policies by the BJP-led Modi government.

Mayhem on the Markets

THE blame for the collapse of prices on the stock markets, commodity markets, and foreign exchange markets (against the US dollar) around the world, which occurred on Monday, August 24 and is continuing, has been laid at China’s door. The US has asked China to carry out “reforms” in its financial sector to stem the collapse, and many Western bourgeois commentators have also urged the Chinese government to intervene for this purpose.

Onto All India General Strike, Sept 2

MILLIONS of workers have so far participated in the preparatory meetings and rallies in support of the nationwide General Strike on September 2, 2015 called by the Central Trade Unions. The unprecedented support from the workers shows the urge for changing the current economic policies that have put the workers and peasants into tremendous crisis. The united platform of the trade unions consists of 11 central trade unions viz.


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