Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Historic General Strike

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions salutes the working class of India for the historic strike on September 2, rebuffing all attempts by the BJP led NDA government to confuse the workers through different channels. This was the biggest ever strike by the working class of the country with some media channels reporting that 18 crores workers joined the strike with its sweep much beyond the workers organised by the sponsoring trade unions.  Employees and workers from all sectors of the country’s economy – organised and unorganised, public sector and private sector, central and state government d

South China Sea: The UNCLOS Verdict

Beijing was expecting an adverse ruling on the South China Sea from the Permanent Court of Arbitration, an International Tribunal at the Hague and has taken the judgment on the dispute on July 11 in its stride. Senior officials have said that the situation in the South China Sea should not be allowed to escalate. The Chinese government had announced some months before that it would ignore the decision of the tribunal, saying that it had no jurisdiction over the case as the main dispute was over land in the form of islands and islets in the South China Seas.

Thinking Together

It has been reported in the media that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not be attending the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Venezuela and some other Minister will represent India.  What does this mean for India’s foreign policy and how does the CPI(M) view this?G N Ramesh, HyderabadTHE Non Aligned Movement Summit is scheduled to be held in Venezuela on September 17-18, 2016.  The Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Delcy Rodriguez, was in Delhi recently to handover the formal letter of invitation to the prime minister which was handed over to external affairs minister, Sushma Swara

Save Journalism for Tomorrow

The Delhi Union of Journalists executive on the eve of 70th year of Indian Independence presented a charter to parliamentarians on August 11, 2016 to save journalism and the journalists for tomorrow before it is too late. DUJ expressed its deep concern at the growing attacks on journalists, most of which constitute attacks on freedom of the press.

Neo-liberal Reforms Accentuate Miseries of Women

In June this year, the union cabinet approved a special package for the textile and apparel sector claiming that ‘it has the potential for social transformation through women empowerment, since 70 percent of the workforce in the garment industry is women, majority of the new jobs created are likely to go to women’. This package was aimed at increasing exports by improving cost competitiveness and to overtake countries like Bangladesh and Vietnam. Several incentives were given to the employers to achieve cost competitiveness.

Self-driving Vehicles: Coming Soon!

There is some or other news almost every day about autonomous vehicles, also popularly known as “driverless” or self-driving cars. Either some or other company is announcing ever-earlier dates when it plans to introduce autonomous vehicles into the market, or some new city or region, usually in the US or Europe, or is granting permission for trials of autonomous vehicles.

Hollowness of BJP’s Tiranga Yatra

The BJP had just concluded its week-long 'tiranga yatra' that was started on the Independence Day. The stated purpose of the yatra is to instill a 'fresh bout of nationalism' among the people. This is a blatant attempt to appropriate the 'national flag' to serve its parochial nationalist designs. National flag is a product of our anti-colonial freedom struggle, in which the BJP or its mother organisation – the RSS, played no role.

Tripura: Foil Divisive Designs

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 24, 2016.The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) condemns the incidents of violence in Agartala city in Tripura.  These are a result of the violent behaviour of some of the participants in a rally organised by the Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT).  The IPFT is carrying on a divisive campaign for a separate state for the tribal people.  These incidents were pre-planned and certain opposition parties sought to exploit the situation. The CPI(M) and the Left Front have intervened to mobilis


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