Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

When a Woman Says ‘No’, It Means Just That

IN every country, in any language ‘No’ is ‘No’. Be it in English or in Hindi or in Bengali or in Russian or French.The girl said ‘No’ but the greedy, clammy hands tried to roam over her body, entangling her like a snake.In self- defence the girl shouted: “No”.“So the girl is not the culprit. The boys are guilty,” declares lawyer Deepak Sehgal unequivocally in the courtroom. He emphasized that the girl had said ‘No’.What Deepak Sehgal (Amitabh Bachchan) said isn’t true only for the courtroom or for the auditorium in the multiplex.

SFI Denounces Anarchy in HPU

THE central executive committee of the Students’ Federation of India, in a statement issued on October 5, has denounced the efforts of ABVP to create anarchy and a reign of terror in the Himachal Pradesh University campus. In the last one-week, ABVP goons have attacked research scholars, girl students and tribal students in the campus. All this is happening in the presence and protection of police and the administration.ABVP is trying to terrorise the students in the campus and disturb the academic environment.

Sahmat Condemns Undemocratic Moves In Central University of Haryana

SAFDAR Hashmi Memorial Trust (SAHMAT) in a statement issued on October 3, has said that the staging of a play written by the renowned writer and activist, Mahasweta Devi, would lead to questions, inquiry and ‘trouble’ for two teachers of the English department of the Central University of Haryana, Snehsata and Manoj Kumar is very hard to digest and must be condemned in the strongest of terms.The University has “apologised” to activists of the Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) but its activists continue to hound the administration and students/teachers involved with the staging of Dra

PUNJAB: Janwadi Istri Sabha Holds State Conference

THE two day conference of Janwadi Istri Sabha, Punjab was held on September 29-30, 2016 at the historical town of Nurmahal in Jalandhar district of Punjab. Sudha Sundararaman, all India vice president of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) said that the atrocities against women are on the rise as is evident from the news of rapes, eve teasing, dowry, burning of women appearing in each and every newspaper of the country day in and day out. She said that commoditisation of women’s bodies is rising as can be seen in advertisements on television and the programmes shown on TV.

Shimla Convention Resolves to Make Universities the Centres of Resistance against RSS-BJP Regime

SEPTEMBER 27 was the 110th birth anniversary of the hero of the generations of Indian students and Youth, Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh. This year’s anniversary saw the streets of Shimla, capital of the hill state of Himachal Pradesh, reverberating with the slogans, dreams and aspirations of that 23 year old-starry eyed youth.

Fully Recover Legitimate Revenue from RIL

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on September 29.THE Justice A P Shah Committee report on the compensation from Reliance Industries Ltd regarding the Godavari-KG Basin natural gas fields was submitted on August 30, 2016.According to the report 11.2 million cubic meters of gas had migrated from the ONGCs Godavari blocks to the adjoining KG-D6 block of RIL between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2015.

Reject Roopanwal Commission Report

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on October 6, 2016.THE  Roopanwal Commission which was set up by the HRD ministry to ostensibly give a report on the developments in Hyderabad Central University leading upto the tragic suicide of Rohith Vemula has violated legal parameters and gone beyond its jurisdiction.

On Government’s Brief to Some Opposition Leaders

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on September 29.THE government briefed some leaders of the opposition parties on certain operations conducted by the Indian army. The government informed that at two points across Kupwara and Poonch these operations took place.The government had informed that these operations have ended this morning. The CPI(M) expects that there is no further escalation of hostilities henceforth.The CPI(M) expresses the hope that now incidents like at Pathankot and at Uri will not recur.

Migration as Revolt against Capital

THE fact that a large number of refugees, especially from countries which have been subjected of late to the ravages of imperialist aggression and wars, are desperately trying to enter Europe, is seen almost exclusively in humanitarian terms. While this perception no doubt has validity, there is another aspect of the issue which has escaped attention altogether, namely that it is the first time in modern history that the issue of migration is being sought to be taken out of the exclusive control of metropolitan capital.

West Bengal Plenum Vows To Strengthen Mass Activity

CPI(M) West Bengal Plenum has decided to vigorously pursue mass line to widen the mass base of the Party. The plenum has called upon all Party workers to go to the masses, learn from them and be worthy of their trust.The two day plenum was held on September 30 and October 1 at Promode Dasgupta Bhavan in Kolkata. 378 delegates participated in the plenum. Party general secretary Sitaram Yechury, Polit Bureau members Prakash Karat, Manik Sarkar, M A Baby, Hannan Mollah were present. A presidium consisting of Biman Basu, Md Salim, Minati Ghosh and Ramchandra Dome conducted the proceedings.


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