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Peoples Democracy newsletter

BJP Troll Sena Exposed

SWATI Chaturvedi's book I am a Troll, released a few days back, blows the lid off BJP's systematic trolling of its opponents. We have always known that the trolling on the internet we see on a daily basis was an organised effort of the BJP. We now learn that there is a team, directly controlled by the RSS and BJP leadership that is at the centre of this trolling. This was the team that fed the lies, the “drip of hate”, vicious attacks on women including threats of rape, to a larger troll army.

Afghanistan: 15 Years after the American Invasion

THIS year marks the 15th anniversary of the American invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. A decade and a half ago, America had invaded the country overthrowing the Taliban government in Kabul. It did not take much time for the American military to drive out the Taliban from the capital and other major Afghan cities with the help of the Northern Alliance and an assorted set of warlords. The Bush administration was quick to declare victory and wasted no time in preparing for the next invasion – that of Iraq in 2003.

A Bill of Rights at Last

OVER the ages, people with disabilities have been subjected to discrimination, stigmatised, segregated and condemned to the margins. The disabled were abandoned at temple gates, driven out of homes and in some cases left to die or even killed. Disability, in popular perception, continues to be considered a punishment for sins committed in the past life. This is internalised by both the disabled and their families, who view it as a curse not only on themselves but also on those whom they are dependent on. The cultural antipathy to persons with disabilities is deep rooted.

New Year: Meet the New Challenges

2017 IS beginning on a dismal note for millions of people in India. They have lost their livelihoods and are deprived of their hard-earned wages. Many are unable to access their meager savings which are locked up out of reach in banks. All this pain has been inflicted on them by Narendra Modi’s quixotic demonetisation announced on November 8. With the fifty days for depositing old notes ending on December 30, there are no signs of the travails of the people coming to an end.

The Dialectics of Authoritarianism

WE are seeing in India at present a remarkable inversion of reason. The more the common people suffer from the impact of Modi’s demonetisation, the more he is lauded for the “courage” shown by him in undertaking it. An economic measure should be, and normally is, judged on the basis of how it benefits the people, and any measure that brings distress to the people is derided for that reason. What we find in the present case however is just the opposite: the more demonetisation brings distress to the people, the more it is applauded for its wisdom and courage.

A Year of Apathy towards Public Health Services

THE past year once again provides a clear picture of neglect of public health by the BJP led government and further, a disdain towards policies that promote welfare. The year has seen several outbreaks of infectious diseases such as dengue and chikungunya, often reaching epidemic proportions in many parts of the country. The epidemics have laid bare the inability of the country’s health systems to protect people’s health.

On appointment of New Chief of Army Staff

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 19.THE appointment of the new chief of Army Staff has been done bypassing the established convention of the senior most general assuming the post.  The Modi government’s departure from this precedent has raised questions about the intent and motivation of the government.  The Indian army should not be subject to any political interference.  

Retract Fresh Order on Deposits

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 20, 2016.THE central government and  RBI's action in imposing fresh curbs on depositing amounts exceeding Rs 5000 in old notes is whimsical and anti-people.  In fact, the latest order is because almost all the notes taken out of circulation have come back into the banking system exposing the fraudulent claims that black money will be eliminated.  Communist Party of India (Marxist) demands the immediate retraction of these and other restrictions on using and depositing the old t

Liberation of Aleppo

THE liberation of eastern Aleppo from the clutches of jihadi forces after a struggle lasting over four and a half years, signals the complete unraveling of the plot that was hatched to bring about regime change in Syria. It is “game over” for the west and its regional proxies in Syria. With the ouster of the rebels from the last remaining pockets of eastern Aleppo, the Syrian government now has complete control of all the major cities in the country.  President Bashar al Assad described the liberation of the entire city as a historic turning point.


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