Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

DILUTION OF GSCASH: Women’s Organisations Express Concern

EXPRESSING strong protest against the attempts made by the administration of the Jawaharlal Nehru University to weaken the GSCASH (committee to look into complaints of sexual harassment), the AIDWA, AIPWA, ANHAD, Guild of Service, JWP and NFIW have written a letter to the vice chancellor of the university, on September 16.The women’s organisations expressed strong concern at the reports which indicate that the university administration is making serious and unjustified attempts to dilute and destroy the autonomy of the Gender Sensitisation Committee against Sexual Harassment (GSCAS

A Bull in a China Shop

THE BJP government, like a bull in a China shop, is wrecking the economy. A neoliberal regime, even at the best of times, i.e., even when the economy is booming, brings misery to the vast mass of the working people by imposing upon the petty production sector a process of primitive accumulation of capital, through a withdrawal of State support from it and through leaving it to the mercy of the “spontaneous” working of untrammelled capitalism.

KARNATAKA: Thousands of ‘Gauri’s March in Defiance

EXACTLY a week after assassination of Gauri Lankesh, thousands of ‘Gauri’s marched in Bangalore in defiance. The colourful march with thousands shouting “I am Gauri” from Railway Station to Central College, and the resistance convention held, reflected the raging anger against the murder of public intellectuals to suppress dissenting voices and freedom of expression. It also reflected the defiance by a rainbow coalition of forces representing journalists, writers, artists, students, social activists, thinkers, social movements, and political parties.

New Fighter Deal: Picking up Pace, and Cronies

BOTH the horses in the race for India’s impending acquisition of single-engined fighter aircraft have now been officially identified, with the deal to be struck under the new “strategic partnership” route incorporated into the Defence Procurement Procedures (DPP) 2016. The competitors are Lockheed Martin of the US in partnership with Tata Advanced Systems for the F-16 Block 70/72, and Saab of Sweden in partnership with the Adani Group for the JAS-39 Gripen E, the latter MoU having been signed just during the past fortnight.

All India Convention of Mass Organisations on Sept 18

ALL sections of people are suffering due to the pro-corporate, authoritarian policies of the BJP led central government. This government is getting exposed due to its own wrong policies. The demonetisation had disastrous impact on the life of common people. The GDP which was 7.9 per cent in 2016 April-June quarter has declined to 5.7 per cent in the same period in 2017 resulting in a loss of Rs 3.3 lakh crore to the people.

Remembering Gauri Together

A SOMBRE gathering of journalists, press workers and lawyers, under joint banners met at the Delhi Union of Journalists Amphitheatre, to remember journalist Gauri Lankesh together and condemned hate forces responsible for her death. They were backed by colourful posters of the Delhi Union of Journalists, SAHMAT and some pieces of poetry by members. The meeting on September 11, was organised jointly by the DUJ, the All India Newspaper Employees Federation, the National Alliance of Journalists, Press Unity Centre, KUWJ Delhi and All India Lawyers Union.

On Media Reports

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on September 8SOME reports have appeared in the media that the Polit Bureau meeting held on September 6-7 has decided that the situation warrants a change in alignment.The Polit Bureau wishes to clarify that the process of discussions for preparing the Draft Political Resolution has just begun. How to carry forward the main task of fighting the BJP, as decided in the last Party Congress will be finalised and the Draft Resolution will be placed before the Central Committee. 


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