Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

VENEZUELA: Chavismo is Alive and Well – A First Analysis of the Regional Elections

CHAVISMO won an important victory in the regional elections of October 15.THE CONTEXTThese regional elections took place after having been preceded by a cycle of violence promoted by anti-Chavista forces both inside and outside Venezuela. After four months of violence from April to July and efforts by Venezuela’s political opposition to boycott the elections to the National Constituent Assembly at the end of July, Chavismo’s forces managed to turn the conflict to an electoral one.

Protests against RSS-BJP Terror held in Tripura

THE people of Tripura rose in loud protest in all parts of the state on October 9 against lumpen politics unleashed by the BJP-RSS and their falsification campaign targeting the CPI(M). They resolved to resist this anti-communist hysteria that had gripped the ruling BJP-RSS duo so terribly that it had lost all sanity to stall functioning of a recognised political party and carry on barbarous attacks on CPI(M) offices in various states of the country.In all, 205 protest marches were held in the state.

World Shakes as Fetters Break – October 25, 1917

WITH the leaking of the information that Bolsheviks were preparing for the takeover of power leaked, the ruling classes led provincial government began all preparations to forestall it. A secret meeting of the provincial government was held to decide on the measures to combat the Bolsheviks and defeat the working class. Troops were summoned from the front to Petrograd. Huge number of armed forces were mobilised even in Moscow. On the other hand, Kerensky was prepared to surrender Petrograd to Germans and withdraw to Moscow.

Neruda Indicts the US from his Grave

A GROUP of experts assembled by the Chilean judge investigating Pablo Neruda’s possible assassination gave its verdict. The cause of death given in the death certificate is certainly wrong; he definitely did not die of prostate cancer. The international forensic team found an unexplained and a virulent strain of golden staph bacteria in his exhumed body as a probable cause. Neruda was certainly murdered by the Pinochet regime in the Santa Maria Clinic in Santiago, though more forensic work is required to determine the actual cause of death.Neruda won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1971.

Nature’s Latest Grand Spectacle Reaffirms its Dialectical & Materialist Character

THE world’s scientific community, especially astronomers and cosmologists, is abuzz about the signals from a mega event that rang, quite literally, not only around the globe but also beyond it. This was the “sighting” of a collision between two neutron stars 130 million light years away! What was so significant about it that it took the scientific community by storm and led to unprecedented messaging and tweeting all across the globe?

First Anniversary of Demonetisation: Left Parties Call for Protest Day on Nov 8

The Left parties – Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, All India Forward Bloc, Revolutionary Socialist Party, Communist Party of India (ML- Liberation) and Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) – have issued the following statement on October 25.NATIONWIDE PROTEST ON THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF DEMONETISATIONTHE Left Parties express their concern at the overall deteriorating conditions in the country and large scale attacks on the people.

From Rajasthan to "Mersal", a Bad Week for Democracy in India

In the village of Karimati in Jharkhand, Koili Devi, the mother of 11-year-old Santosh Kumari, who had died of starvation, had to flee her home as she was attacked by local goondasreportedly because she had challenged the official version that her child had died of malaria not hunger, and dared to publicly say that in fact her child had died because the government had passed orders that no one without an Aadhar card would get rations. She spoke the truth, and for that she was attacked. The local auxiliary nurse confirmed that the child was not suffering from malaria.

Employment Suffers in Digital India

SPEAKING at the Digital Haryana Summit in September 2017, the minster for electronics and information technology, Ravi Shankar Pratap Singh said that “the country’s digital economy is growing fast and by 2020 it is expected to provide job opportunities to about 50 to 70 lakh youth”. This pipe dream let lose by the minister may make one think that the automation and digitalisation process may create new opportunities to tap the so-called ‘demographic dividend’ of the country.

Highlights of the Report Delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping At the Opening Session of the 19th National Congress of The Communist Party of China

The Opening Session of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held at the People’s Great Hall of China at 9:00, October 18th, 2017.On behalf of the 18th CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a report titled “Secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era”.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the 19th National Congress of the CPC is a meeting of great importance taking place during the d


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